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Limited Edition 2016 Holiday Scent Detail Spray - keep or sell?


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Not sure how I never used it, but I was going through my detailing supplies and came across a bottle of Detail Spray labeled Limited Edition Holiday Scent from 2016.  Printed on the bottle is November 2016. 


Is this something worth selling to a collector on eBay or keeping and using on my ride?  It's never been used.  Smells like peppermint and cinnamon.

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12 minutes ago, dodge4l1fe said:

Not sure how I never used it, but I was going through my detailing supplies and came across a bottle of Detail Spray labeled Limited Edition Holiday Scent from 2016.  Printed on the bottle is November 2016. 


Is this something worth selling to a collector on eBay or keeping and using on my ride?  It's never been used.  Smells like peppermint and cinnamon.

If you're not into collecting then i'd say sell and get some money out of it or trade for something that you might use.

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3 minutes ago, imatt27 said:

Do you have a pic? I might be interested 


Nope.  No selling on here, and trades can only be done in the Garage Sale forum when the OP has 50 good posts under his belt. 

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1 minute ago, Rich said:


Nope.  No selling on here, and trades can only be done in the Garage Sale forum when the OP has 50 good posts under his belt. 

Please move this thread if it's in the wrong forum. This thread was more so to see what people knew about the product not to necessarily make a deal, hopefully I didn't violate any rules.

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1 minute ago, dodge4l1fe said:

Please move this thread if it's in the wrong forum. This thread was more so to see what people knew about the product not to necessarily make a deal, hopefully I didn't violate any rules.

You're fine here to discuss selling it on ebay. But forum rules here are that NO Adam's chemicals can be sold through the forum, period.  After you've made 50 good posts and would like to trade it for something else, then just start a new thread in the Garage Sale forum.  

And in case I didn't already....... welcome to the forum. :welcomebanner:

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