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Is VRT ok to use on vinyl vert tops? I know most dealers say to stay away from cleaners and dressings. A few will endorse "ragtop". Evidently there is something in other cleaners/dressings that disolves the underlayer or backing of the vinyl.


If VRT is not suitable for tops, maybe you guys could come up with one????

3 answers to this question

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Hi John,


VRT on Vinyl tops? That is a great question. As long as your top is vinyl (not fabric) you will be fine. The VRT will also offer protection and keep it looking new. Keep in mind since it is water based and not greasy it may run if it rains shortly after its application. I recommend applying it after you have checked the weather forcast. :)



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I use VRT on the convertible top of my '69 Vette. This top is vinyl and it works great. I have not had any problems with it running, but my car does not get out in the rain if possible.



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