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Cleaning a convertible top



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I would use APC and a soft brush! Try diluted first!











Price: $8.95


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Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner


Tough on dirt, but easy on your car! Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner replaces a whole shelf full of automotive cleaners for wheels, tires, engine, tar, insects and more!

At Adam's Polishes, if a product isn't safe, easy and effective, we kick it to the curb. Our Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner isn't rocket science, but it effectively cleans the worst grime your car brings home without being harsh or harmful to any surface.

On tires and wheels, Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner removes the worst caked on brake dust build-up you can imagine, without the acids and cheap butyls found in most wheel cleaners that cause wheel damage (etching) and pollute the earth. Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner deep cleans tires, removing browning and old tire dressing without leaching the tire's built-in wax protection.

Use Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner under the hood to degrease your engine. Dirt, grime, grease and oil literally melt away when you apply Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner at full strength. For a lightly soiled engine, you can dilute Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner 5:1 with water.

Use Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner on the worst grime your car has, including the undercarriage, road tar, sap, bugs, bird droppings, just about any soil you can imagine is easily and safely removed with the proper mixture of Adam's All-Purpose Cleaner!

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Good advice on using APC and a upholstery brush, start at 50%, diluted with distilled water. If that isn't getting it out bump up the strength to 100% strength APC. You can also use the Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner. I've got an oak colored top on my Corvette also, never got all the spots out, but much better. My top was really neglected when I got it though. Concentrate on the spots, but do the entire top. You will also want to go back and wax the body afterwards.


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