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What Is The World of "Waxing" Coming To?


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at 6 waxes for $10, the price per coat is actually more than that of Americana.


the guy that made the thread posted how he liked it so much and how good it looked....someone else made a comment about it only beading for a month...his response was he washed his car every couple of weeks so he would use this wax everytime since it was so cheap....i explained that if he thought about it a quality wax like MSW that lasts 4-5 months would be a better buy....i have a feeling i am talkin to a brick wall.

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You forgot the uninformed. There are plenty of people out there that have no real idea of how to properly care for their cars finish. I have two neighbor's across the street that drive Mustang's (not slamming Mustang's) that think all you need to do is get a hose and some soap (type does not matter) wet the car down and then use an old hand towel to wash the car. This is the same towel that they use over and over. They dry it with bath towels and think they did a great job.


Well I finally have one starting to see the difference in his method and mine. In fact I ordered one of the new SVRT packages for him. I gave him a bottle of my original VRT and he loved it. He also had a can of my In & Out spray and will want me to order him some when the new version is available. I will get him converted to a complete Adam's user, although it may take a little time. The second one is a lost cause. Maybe he need to see the ad that might be more his style.


Need any help converting them? Just explain that it can be done in heels, it is so easy! :lolsmack:


It is our mission to save the world from swirls! :pc:

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OK, first there's that dude that says his vehicle looks better now than after having it "hand detailed." What hack does he go to? Second there's the dude that is amazed by water beading. Hate to break it to him, but water will bead off of a finish with absolutely no wax on it. I learned this after washing a Volvo that I had washed w/Dawn, clay barred and then corrected with M105. Water beaded off that Volvo like no one's business. Third, oh never mind, we're all preaching to the choir here.


This will appeal to my neighbor down the street that uses a red shop rag and a bucket with Lemon Joy in it....:loser: He believes the reason my vehicle's finish is swirl free is "because it's new."

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