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How much have you spent this summer?


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This summer (since begging of May) I have spent $655.14 on Adam's products!


How much have you spent?


I think I have an addiction! :help: Does Adam offer AA?




PS.... I have only gotten to use it on my truck once! I've done like 15 other cars/trucks!

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Oh ya and I have my son 46.6% of the time.


What I was actually told was that because my living condition is better than hers I need to pay to make hers better.


Well since your living condition is better he should have to stay with you.

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well i just went thru my entire list of purchases since march of last year and if i add grabiak chevy i have spent near 2500 bucks on products holy crap i didnt know i spent that much in a year plus. but on a good note i did win a 180 dollar essentials kit at the show and i have earned a few dollars back in details not a lot a few hundred bucks but i have a feeling it will make up in the next few months.

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My GF is next to me one the couch, and I didn't want her to see what I typed in this post! Upside is she has a cleaner car than before, and she knows my hobby isn't cheap! She doesn't know how expensive it is. My addictive personality gets the best of me sometimes!

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Let me look over my shoulder 1st to make sure my wife isnt looking while I type this...


Well lets see..... My join date was in June... Here is my 2 orders that I placed on 6/4 and 7/1 LOL... Going to place a final "for now" order in 2 weeks. That one will probably be about 400/500. Need to stalk up on the MF's and some In'N'Out spray when its out.


Total 837.68



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With what I purchased at Stillen this year I'm pretty well over $1400 for the year... Man we got it bad! I'm not showing my order history to my wife!! I may loose a appendage, or even worse a Camaro!

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0$ and I doubt I'll be able to buy anything for a long time. What passes for fair and equal living for a child is BULL$&@! in Cali I have a nice new 326$ bill each month for child support now.


What the heck is mom supposed to be buying the kid? Gold bottles?


I could see like $150-200


Oh ya and I have my son 46.6% of the time.


What I was actually told was that because my living condition is better than hers I need to pay to make hers better.


I was almost in the same situation... im sure you saw my thread on that...


but yea the state messes u up bad with that stuff...


anywho I havent bought any adams products because when I goto Jeffs house I steal them from him !!! :lolsmack:


and I spent 200 on tints , 900 on c5Z wheels and DRs


and car payments, insurance payments (car and bike) and commuting to work ( 450 a month)

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