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You know ive been hearing this from a lot of people but to tell you the truth im much happier working then going to school. (At least at this point in my life) i suppose if i get into a crappy situation at work that has me neck deep in B.S., then i might find myself looking back on these days.


I enjoyed college but I also enjoy working. It all comes down to attitude. If you get into a job that has alot of B.S. just start looking for another job. If I could I would still be in school but just could not keep paying out all that money.

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this is my second week of class i have it M-F from 8am to 8:50am :( so its a 5 credit hour class. B


There is the problem! It's not possible to do Calculus at 8am!! lol


I took Cal 1 in high school and then 1 & 2 at a junior college so they were pretty easy for me, Cal 3 was a whole other story. Triple trig integrals can just kiss it. Having the right professors makes all the difference in the world though. I crapped out on Cal 3 the first time and the second time I got an A, it was all due to the professor.


I liked Diff EQ and thought it was much easier than Calculus, but I was also doing the exact same stuff in a Elec. Engr'ing class at the same time so I had something practical to work from.


Linear Algebra was a cake walk until it got to the trig integrals (noticing a theme here?). I never got a good hold on the whole trig+calculus and my stupid self decided to take an Antenna design class later on which is nothing but that crap! lol


Best advice I can give you is to find the good prof's, work with a group of people and find something you are interested in to relate the material to. Do that and your experience through math, or any tough class, will go soooo much smoother.

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on a side note i have to write a paper for this class and i was wondering if you guys had any ideas for a topic. It just has to pertain to mathematics. (i know i could find something myself i was just wondering if you guys had any cool ideas.)

thanks again


Differential equation on spectral refraction between Adams Americana over Brilliant Glaze versus the other guys stuff.


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