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Ricky Bobby

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Posts posted by Ricky Bobby

  1. Back when I used spray-on tire dressing.....I had 4 pieces of cardboard that I drove the vehicle on to.....kept me from getting those 'smiles' on my asphalt driveway


    Omg brings back memories of 15-20 years ago when I helped my dad wash my mom's car and his car on a Sunday - we would dry the car (with bath towels of course) - then when done he would drive into the caul-de-sac and park the car, and spray on the popular Tire Wet foamy aerosol dressing and wipe it in with a rag, then move the car another 3 feet and get the spots he missed, let it sit a few mins and drive it back into our driveway and in the garage.


    I think he even brought the cardboard up to the street so he wouldn't get oil smileys on the street lol -

  2. I really want one. Like really really. But I don't want a white one. Can any Adams guys on here tell me if they plan on coming out with a different color any time soon? I should have bought the orange one last year but my Adams addiction was just starting and I was buying up many other things. Any info would be awesome!

    What you got against white lol


    All Sidekicks Matter

  3. Follow the manufacturer's instructions - if its Xpel Ultimate, I wouldn't be polishing the film - Just keep it clean and sealed, since it self heals.


    Yes Porsche black is soft, especially non-metallic black.  Have fun washing every 2 hours LOL


    Since you also have the wallet for the PPF - invest the $360 in the Master Blaster, like I told you in the last thread - then you can blowdry the car and only use single or double softs for final wipes :)

  4. My girl is 9 and healthy as an Ox. I'm so glad yours pulled through and is recovered. I mostly use the vacuum attachment Chris linked in post #3 I think I may try the stone thing. I tried the rubber finger brush last night but it's about the same work one hair at a time until u dig it up to the surface im about to turn the music and AC up and go to town with a pair of tweezers I thought some watered down fabric softener in a spray bottle may help it release from the fibers and alow the vacuum to pick em up, I may give that a shot and report back.


    Omg she is too precious!! <3

  5. people just don't understand until they have an AB the hair is like small soft needles that work they way inside the carpet. All my vehicles have black leather seats and that's not a big deal as she doesn't get on the seats bit the carpet in the back of my dodge Durango has the worst and the carpet looks great when new but the more you rub it it looks really bad and matts and and pulls looking terrible. Cost of owning one of the kindest most gentle breeds out there.

    Try a stiff bristle brush to loosen up the hairs as you go over with the shop vac. What vac and attachments are you using?


    And yes they are the best- post a pic of yours! Mine is going to be 10 this month and is in amazing shape - and he is a recent cancer survivor - thank God - we had a month of radiation and then 5 chemo treatments but his oncology team is so amazing to save his life.


    And yes the sharp white needles my wife is always picking the hairs out of her bra because they stab her lol!

  6. Sorry for the thread-jack Dan, but what are your thoughts on spraying the vehicle with diluted APC and then using a Rinsless Wash?


    If you are doing a rinseless wash - I would just add a bit of APC to the bucket - I use 1 gallon per vehicle, so I'd probably add 1/2 oz of APC to the bucket with my 1/2 oz of rinseless - would be a great clean/strip wash in one

  7. There are great LED Worklights at Home Depot for around $80-100 - work great for correction.


    If the polish dries on the pads, just wet them down when you wash them - I wash my pads with MFR diluted 3:1 and even if they are dry, with that, plus warm water they come out great


    Third question is for Dylan - I don't know if there is any sort of overheat protection on the tool - but if there isn't, are you using an extension cord?  Make sure the gauge wire is thick enough, if the extension cord is too light duty, it puts undue electrical stress on the tool and could overheat it or burn out the motor

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