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Everything posted by Toms94

  1. Toms94

    Car show today

    Bill, I wouldn't let them take it for a ride, but had the situation been different, I would have offered the boy a ride! I just remember that I was about the same age when I got to ride in my first Corvette, a Riverside Red with Black interior 63 split window. That is what lit the fire under my seat to own a Corvette someday. Hopefully, I lit a couple of fires yesterday!
  2. Toms94

    Car show today

    Rich, I just can't believe some people. Like you said they are just cars and if we can make a little guy (or gal) happy why not? I'm all for passing on this love of cars that I have.
  3. Toms94

    Car show today

    Well.....actually no. We were running late, because our middle grandson was playing football. He finished up about the time the show was supposed to start and we had a 35 minute drive to get there. WE headed out of town and got about 10 miles down the road when I realized I left the camera in the other car.
  4. Toms94

    Car show today

    I took the Corvette to a local car show today, I've got to say, it was the cleanest car there, with the fewest swirls and nicest shine...thanks to Americana. I had several people ask about what products I use... and of course I spoke of the virtues of Adams....but the best part were the kids. One little guy, about 10 or so, with his mom and apparently, grandmother, came by and he said to his mom "I can see myself in that car.", pointing at my Corvette. I said to him "Really? You can see yourself in this Corvette?" His mother said, "Oh, he loves Corvettes," I said, as I opened the door, "Well, you had better get over here and sit in it." His eyes lit up like huge spotlights, "You really mean it?" I said, "Sure, why not?". He jumps in and sits back with this huge grin on his face, Grandma says "Can I take his pictures with him in there?"..."Well you'd better, I don't think he'll smile like that again for a while." As he got out he said, "Thank You for letting me sit in your car." His mom and grandma thanked me as well. That was worth more than than any award I could have received. There were several other kids who had to have their picture taken with my car.
  5. I don't know the answer, but I did use it to clean the back of my pickup which looked about like that, seemed to be OK, but then again, it was on the black cladding.
  6. I guess I didn't look at them that closely. I'll have to this weekend. Thanks.
  7. Well, I like the smell of the WW too. I used it yesterday as the lube to clay. It worked great. I think I like using it better than the DS.
  8. I looked at HD this past weekend they have three different ones on hand. A dual head 600watt, a dual head 300-600-900-1200watt and a dual head 250-500-750-1500watt. I am leaning toward the big one because the tripod looked more stable. Is there any drawbacks to the higher wattage units? I figure that during the winter it'll had extra heat as well.
  9. I can't answer your question about the clearcoat under warranty, but I can say that I was not very impressed with the paint job on that new Chevy Colorado that I worked on a few weeks back. It had all sorts of cr@p under the clear, just like you describe. I thought that it looked like it had been repainted, but now I wonder if it is just crappy workmanship.
  10. Is Revive only applied by hand, or can it be applied with the PC? And if a PC is acceptable, how would you apply it?
  11. Sometimes they draw and quarter the elk so it can be carried out. No kidding. I don't think it's as big as it appears in the picture...a wide angle lens with the elk close to the camera and a deep depth of field (small aperture) can make it look bigger than it really is. With that said, they are still very large animals and can weigh upwards to 600-700 lbs.
  12. yea, it seems that we have a special towel for each product. I just hope that I can keep them straight. The towel I got with my first order of Waterless Car Wash was one color, then when I ordered the gallon special it came with another towel in a different color (white and blue IIRC), they were different than the ones I got to wipe the Americana Wax and the detail spray. Then I got the Glass Cleaner and those towels are different yet. I need to label my cabinet so I don't get them mixed up! My wife is so jealous, she says that the towels for the car are nicer than the ones for the 'people'.
  13. Dang that could have been taken out here in Western Kansas!
  14. Ya got to love Animal House. Belushi was great.....
  15. I bought one a year and a half ago. The ceiling in the garage is 10'3" at the door and 10'1" at the front. I can put the Corvette all the way up and park the wife's Bonneville under. I can also reverse them, but I can't put the Bonne all the way up. I just have marks on the post to know how far I can go up. Mine is called Pro-Park 8s, designed for doing just as we see here. 8000 lb. capacity. No pictures of the 01 on it, just the 94.
  16. Looking really good. I am still learning how to do this as well. This past weekend I saw swirls that I didn't know were there and had to start all over again. But in time my Corvette will look as good (almost) as AJ's.
  17. Great recovery! It is so satisfying to accomplish something like that!
  18. Pulled the Vette out of the garage Friday to get ready to leave for the weekend, as she sat in the drive the sun hit it just right and the amount of swirls was unbelievable. I thought that I had them removed. Just goes to show that the correct lighting is vital. So I loaded up all my stuff and took it with me and Sunday I proceeded to work on it in the in-laws garage. Again lighting is vital....which I was very much missing, but worked on it and again thought it was gone (using a handheld spot light my FIL had). Backed it out of the garage and there they were......many were gone, but some were still there. I've got to get me a couple of halogen lights. So with that being said, yes you can get them all out, if you work at it.
  19. I can guarantee that the new plate is 1000% better than the first one. The new one has that huge mounting screw, no way it's going to strip out. Thanks.
  20. OK, not sure why the other thread was closed but I wanted to report that I received the new plate today...and it is much beefier. I doubt this one will strip out. And all this was done in 3 days from Adams receiving my email (Monday) and me getting the replacement Today (Weds)....that is service!
  21. Got my bag yesterday, I haven't had time to fill it yet. But I will by this weekend as I plan on taking it with me over the holiday.
  22. One of those shows I want to attend. Maybe next year! Thanks for taking us there AJ.
  23. I've had good luck with my Toshiba...had it about 6 years and it still does everything I want it to do. Hope you have as good of luck with your new one.
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