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Everything posted by InfernoGirl

  1. Sweet rides, both of you! Dang it Junkman, maybe you need a little bit more horsepower....
  2. Hi Mrs. Adams Mom! Nice to make your acquaintance
  3. Thanks! Black is the best color, but Inferno was the best color available at the time! It's a cop magnet tho!
  4. Haha, Teresa! I've been shining cars for 10 years or so... I usually wait till I need a manicure to do the really nasty stuff! Gloves work too tho! I've just been too chicken to try a PC till now. Junkman has encouraged me enough that I am about to take the plunge!
  5. Well, I have to see if I can figure this out, hubby usually does all the techie stuff for me.... cause I'm a dumb blonde you know! Let's see if I can.... Well, pooh, he has all the new pics on his 'puter, and he isn't here.... I'll get some up soon! I promise.... but she hasn't been detailed yet, I just got her back from the body shop 3 weeks ago, and she is awaiting her final buff/wax from them before I touch her with anything other than a wash.... Next week she gets finished. When I finally get my PC and all my Adam's goodies, I have 3 other cars to practice on... '87 XR7, '96 Z28, and '04 Mazda3.... So I have a few challenges before me... The Camaro suffered a fair amount of damage in an ice storm we had in Jan... so she will be the ultimate object of my attention for a while. Considering the Charger got all new paint, from the same storm. Sorry about the novel, I did manage to figure out how to copy my sig pic from chargerforums, so here she is all fixed up..
  6. Wow! Thanks for such a warm welcome! What a nice bunch you all are.... gotta love car people!
  7. I've had 4 black DD's and I love everyone of them.... Yes they look awful when dirty, but OMG, they are sooo rewarding to clean up. I refuse to buy a pavement colored car because there's no reward for spending a day cleaning them... they still look the same. JMHO
  8. Hi, I'm Linda from southern Indiana! I know Junkman from the Chargerforum, and he recommended this forum, and of course all Adams products! Nice meeting you all, I'll try not to be too big a pain, I plan on learning alot
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