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Everything posted by Wy_detailing

  1. Interested in waterless wash, rinseless wash, throwback shampoo, revive hand polish, pumpkin detail spray or blue glass towels?
  2. Ok. I think I have an extra double soft or two if you are interested in those? I'll check when I get home from work but I have enough stuff to trade for the two rinseless
  3. Are the rinseless the new label?
  4. Dan told me a while back that they only sell the short bristle now but the picture on the site still shows the long bristles
  5. Another new product coming soon! Looks like an interior scrub pad
  6. I've got multiples of buttery wax, brilliant glaze, tire shine, interior detailer, throwback shampoo, VRT, gallon pumpkin spice detail spray, strip wash and a few applicators
  7. Just saw this on Adams Instagram page, looks like the are teaming up to make a custom detail line!
  8. Anybody see the new all pink label detail spray on adams Instagram story?
  9. I've got the American flag one on my detailing cart, but where is the foam gun sticker from?
  10. Guess who bought more stickers to add to the collection??
  11. I did with 1500,2000,2500 but I still get resedue from the headlights
  12. Saw these on Matt's instragram story and this profile, put me down for a set!!
  13. Some new stickers coming out too if anybody saw Matt's Instagram story a few days ago! Put me down for a headlight resptoration kit! I use my SK mini now but it would be cool to have a little dedicated kit for the cars I detail! Lots of nasty residue that comes off when you polish headlights, this way you can have dedicated pads for headlights
  14. I got my order, a few air fresheners and a t shirt!
  15. I have a gallon of detail spray plus 4 16oz bottles, two new double softs and a wheel cleaner 16oz. I'm interested in all the glass boost, wash pads, wash and wax and glass cleaner. From my list what do you think would make a fair trade for your stuff that I listed?
  16. Do you have anything else to trade? I've got some guard and gloss to trade if so
  17. Just placed my order for both new stickers and another sticker pack!
  18. Matte detailer is available at Mint Condition Care care! Just released, cotton candy smell and priced at $12.99
  19. Anybody else see these new products on Adams instagram page? Can't wait for these to drop!
  20. I actually have some weather tech floor at cleaner and protectant. I prefer Adams tire and rubber cleaner to their cleaner but their dressing works great. Has a finish that matches TID or VRT but is not slick to the touch
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