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Everything posted by Darth_Emma

  1. Funny that you guys talk about finding the right woman who will understand your love of cars. I am having the same problems with my man. I find the best way to avoid the issues about spending money on cars is to just not tell him what I bought that day. As long as he doesn't see the bill, he doesn't care. Also, I've gotten quite a few marriage proposals from guys who keep saying that it's rare to find a woman who is into cars, home theater, and computers. I just wish my husband valued those traits! Oh well, it's not so bad. At least he doesn't mind if I have my toys.
  2. Waterless wash works great for me. Here's a tip... if you use the new Adam's glass sealant, it makes those bug guts wipe off the windshield much easier in the future!
  3. I see you found the pictures I posted in this thread: http://adamsforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5871
  4. I detailed my car today and used the tip to use the paint sticks. Worked GREAT! It made doing the front grill easy. Thanks!
  5. I love how Adam's threads almost always shift direction on about page 4.
  6. I'd buy a few of them if you folks can get the heavy cotton ones again.
  7. Yeah they did. It was not a problem. They asked what "FTW" meant to make sure it wan't rude. Once I told them it means "for the win," they said it was fine. That pic is a scan of my plate.
  8. I'm in Ohio and I have a Camaro 2SS so I got:
  9. Junkman some of youtube's servers are down. It's been sporadic all day. Sometimes up, sometimes not. So, I don't think it's your link.
  10. Junkman: I was teaching the subject of Earthquakes on Friday and told my students "I'm always afraid to teach this topic because a major earthquake almost always occurs somewhere in the world when I do." Then look what happened on Saturday! My students said this morning in class "look at what you did!" Poor Chili!
  11. I stopped in the paint dept. in Walmart this morning and picked up a couple of the small foam-tipped painting sticks - forty cents each! Great tip. Thanks!
  12. I was in Walmart this morning and wandered through the automotive section. Low and behold, they carry "The Original California Duster" for $10.96! This one has the platic not the wooden handle, but it is made by the California Duster Company. So, at that price I grabbed it. The instructions say to take it out of the wrapper and set it on newspaper for 24 hours, so that's what I did (I am great at reading instructions!). My favorite part about it is that the instructions also say "the dirtier it gets, the better it works." Now that is my kind of tool!
  13. Junkman's videos show a 5" weight. I will get my PC next week, so I'll let you know what it has in it when it arrives.
  14. Yeah, I agree. I read that the Junkman said the 5" counter weight works fine with the spot pads as well as the regular pads. I ordered my PC with the extra set of spot pads last week too. BTW, I asked Ashley yesterday if she would be so kind as to make the weather warm and sunny where I live this weekend so I can detail my car. (She's been able to do anything else I've asked when I called, so I thought it was worth a shot.)
  15. I'm very into computers, home theater, and my Camaro. Would it surprise you that my husband finds none of those things remotely interesting? But, thank you for that nice comment, Junkman!
  16. I just ordered the 4" spot pads to use with my PC (which I also ordered). Does the 4" spot pad set come with a different wrench to attach the backing plate to the PC? From reading this post by Devin04, it sounds like it needs a different wrench.
  17. Not the way I teach it. My favorite comment from students is, "This course was so much fun! I thought it was going to be boring when I signed up for it."
  18. Junkman- We're doing earthquakes right now. Next week: Plate Tectonics!
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