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Everything posted by GerryC

  1. Maybe...I doubt it sold out in 3 minutes, unless Jason bought it all
  2. Couple of questions though... The price is 59.95 but the description says 49.95, is this a mistake or an introductory price? Also the free applicators that it mentions, they are the ones that are pictured with the wax, correct? not these? The label seems to have changed as well from the photos we saw other members post earlier
  3. We don't have the time for patience...
  4. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b72/signedfor4/my%20corvette/WSIR5109/IMG_1309.jpg cool license plate...why buy foreign:patriot:
  5. I use the conditioner on interior plastic and vinyl as well as leather.
  6. I apply BW by hand, and I waited at least 12 hours after MSW to do so. You don't "have" to wait, but it's suggested. Some of the oils in MSW may come to the surface within that time frame and you don't want to trap those in under the BW without buffing them off first. After a full detail (finishing with MSW) at the beginning of spring, I wash once a week and follow with a coat of BSG. I reapply BW once every 4 weeks. The results are inarguable:
  7. Once you get a coat of MSW on your car, washing will become 10 times easier. As for the paste wax, I will be using it exclusively on the vette, and keep the MSW/BW combination for the daily drivers.
  8. The MSW is technically a sealant, yes. I use MSW as a base coat for our cars that are exposed to weather and not garaged (for protection), and follow with a coat or 2 of buttery wax to add the carnauba shine. MSW by itself is very shiny but some of us like to be overkill
  9. it rained a little bit while I was at work. I came out to my car and saw this: when I got home, the car was pretty much dry, all the water flew off. I <3 MSW
  10. Those wheels are cool, they compliment the black/silver stripe theme on the paint. Red calipers next maybe to compliment the fender stripes?
  11. That right there just about sums up pretty much all of Adam's products did you take any before & after photos?
  12. Would it still be recommended to use the Machine Superwax as a base coat sealant for cars that aren't garaged, and then use the paste on top of that after the 12-hr rebuff? I'm just trying to get an idea on what to do with all these different waxes I'll have. The paste will probably be Corvette-only and buttery wax/superwax will be used on the drivers suggestions?
  13. Yep 18 gauge. I think my extension cord is only 16 gauge, and I tried looking on Lowes'/Home Depot's websites for anything higher but to no avail
  14. I'll take your place once you step down:king:
  15. Wasn't the yellow clay supposed to be the best one they had, but can't sell anymore because of a patent? edit: nevermind, Bill already yelled at you
  16. Man I really need to burn through my bottles of Buttery Wax and Machine Superwax that are both still 80% full:willy:
  17. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous outside and since I had the day off from work I decided it would be a great time to give my mother's 06 Ford Five Hundred a complete detail. I didn't take a lot of pictures because I already entered the contest and basically the pics would have been the same only with a different car... This car has a LOT of exterior surface. It took almost as long to do this car's paint and glass than it takes to do the entire Vette in, out, and underneath. So, this is what I started with...also never garaged and has not been washed since late October (16,700~ miles I think?): You can see that there is little to no reflection. The problem I find with silver metallic is that you can't tell that it's dirty until it's clean. Upon inspecting the paint after claying (bar was completely useless afterwards) there weren't very many visible swirl marks, even when looking at the direct reflection of the sun. Because of the condition I used a 80% Revive + 20% Swirl&Haze on the white pad to save time, and it seemed to have done the trick And... after machine superwax was removed: Closeup of metallic My father did his Silverado sometime during the week, so as I was waiting for the superwax to cure on the 500 I wiped it down for him since airborne pollen has begun rearing its ugly yellow head. I need to find out how he got an Adam's sticker before me....
  18. I think that warning is if you are using it as a sander Just make sure you've installed the included washer as Bill said and you should be fine. Now that you mention it, it does kind of sound like marbles rubbing against each other
  19. https://selfsolve.apple.com/GetWarranty.do just need your serial number if you set it up when you got it, then you most likely don't need the paperwork since it will already be in their system.
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