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Posts posted by dipolley

  1. Like most everyone said, and to reinforce what Mook stated, SVRT can be used on interior peices. However, it is not as effective as Leather Conditioner. SVRT is shinoer that the Leather Conditioner. Leather Conditioner is designed to protect, enhance, and revitilize your interior panels and leather, reintroducing vital moisture and protecting it from the sun. SVRT has SPF 35, where the Leather Conditioner is SPF 65, making it a much better choice for the interior, where the glass can amplify the harmful effects of the sun. Leather Conditioner is also perfect for convertibles and motorcycles.


    If you chose to use SVRT on the interior for its water-repellent (not water-proofing) properties that is fine. Use it on your lower door panels and on your Weathertech floor mats in the winter time. Be careful and let it dry a bit longer than ussual as it can be a little slick right after you first put it on. Tack it down with a Microfiber Utility towel after applying. Avoid using it on your pedals. Also if you use SVRT on the dash have polorized sunglasses as it will reflect...a lot. (This is why I don't use it on the interior.)

  2. I wrote a long rant but it comes down to this:


    Everytime I have a bad customer service experience I contemplate what detailing issues I have so I can call an Adam's Team member and come out on top with my hope for humanity intact.

  3. Sorry, I have been detailing cars. Today was a Grand Sport, tomorrow a Testla Model S, and after that a Torando and a Lexus. Now time to talk about detailing.


    One day I will even get to detail MY car and try out our new Cyclo buffer. One day.

  4. Glad you decided to stay home, David!


    I wonder how many of the moviegoers left their guns in their cars. Too bad somebody didn't have the ability to fight back.


    What makes it worse is the little psychopath is kicking up his feet in his cell and enjoying all the attention.


    Several discussions about that today. Even if someone else was armed the guy was fully armored and hitting him would not have made a difference. Second is that with the movie flickering, the smoke grenades, and people trying to flee would getting an accurate shot next would be next to impossible. Add in the possibility that if a movie-goer was armed, what if they would have hit the wrong person in the confusion? I wouldn't have taken the shot.

  5. Hey everyone, just checking in. I am OK. I seriously considered going to the midnight showing and this is the theatre closest to our house. It is across the street from my bank. But we frequent a different theatre (Northfield), coincidentally next door to where the assailent bought the weopons used in this tragic act. Unfortunatly, the navy kid who was shot may be a co-worker of my wife's. We are still awaiting word on that.


    FYI, the police station is kitty-corner from this theatre explaining the fast response by law enforcement. While our hearts and prayers are with the victims and their families, my respect goes to the actions of the police officers and first responders for thier heroic actions. Ambulances were not getting there fast enough and the officers were putting the injured in thier squad cars to get them to the hospital.

  6. Not bad. That is about 20 minutes from the airport and 10-15 minutes from my place. My wife likes to shop in that area. About 5 minutes away from a high-end mall, plenty of eateries, bars, and entertainment. You will have fun.

  7. My worst was actually quite satisfying once completed. I did a 2012 Mini Cooper with 65 miles on it recently. The owner expected absolute perfection. Let me say that again, absolute perfection: not one scratch, swirl, defect, chip, unlevelness, or anything other than perfect. We took the job simply to see if we could do it. After day one, she found scratches I didn't even see. We used LED lights, halide lights, flourescent lights, high-intensity spot lights, and good ol' fashioned incendescent lights to find anything we could.


    The paint was so soft the when I inspected one scratch my finger nail managed to make an even deeper scratch. When polishing, I would get the scratches out and then have to wait 10 minutes for the paint to cool so that I could touch the car with a new single soft towel. On day one the clients graded me an A minus (extremely high praise from them). A mixture of Fine Machine Polish and Revive Polish followed with Brilliant Glaze and Americana saved the day. After two days the client was happy and now sings high praises of my work, sends us more clients, and even invited us over for a BBQ on the 4th of July. I should metion that the client is one of my favorite clients and I enjoy her company tremendously. If we ever get to do Pebble Beach we decided that this client has to come by to inspect our work before we leave. We learned a lot from this very frustrating detail.

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