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Posts posted by InDepthAutoDetailing

  1. One of the local Mustang clubs knew of an eleven year old boy with cancer and his favorite car is a Mustang. That club got 8-10 of their members together and decided they would do a cruise in to the boy's house. Well word got out and it turned into more and more people wanting to be involved. They had to move the event 3 times so they would have room for all the cars. The local Ford dealer loaned the boy's dad a new Shelby GT 500 so the boy could arrive to show in style. Last I heard they were expecting around 300 cars. There were no less than 150 when I was there and they said the Mustang clubs from Tennessee hadn't arrived yet.


    The weather was sunny and in the the low to mid 40s. Compared to what we've had the two weeks prior (sub freezing temps) I'd say there was someone else that wanted this show to happen.


    As you can see in the pics there were more than just Mustangs. To see all these car people come together to, if only for a moment, help this boy and his family forget about the cancer leaves me speechless.


    I have pics but for some reason I can't get them to attach. I watched the video and I was doing everything correctly. I'll try again later.


    You can see the pics on my FB page here

  2. that looks really nice, really like the exposed wood.  Only thing I see missing is an outdoor kitchen..... :)

    Outdoor kitchen will be coming this spring, I hope. The company that did the rock for us also does outdoor kitchens. He said he would give us a deal. We are wanting to wrap the end of the octagon with a grill, sink, and possibly a refrigerator.

  3. Who color matched your shingles?

    That would be Lewis & Sons Roofing. The owner lives in my neighborhood.


    Looks great Len!  Welcome back!

    Paul, When I saw you username I thought you were one of my local customers. His vanity plate is CAPNSLO on his CTSV.

  4. Thanks everyone! As much as I enjoyed it I'm glad it's finished.


    Nice addition!  Around here, if you close in a porch they consider it another room (even if you just add screens all around) and reassess your property and jack your taxes up. 

    My porches remain unenclosed ...................but I sure would like them like yours. Good job!


    Rich, Luckily our property taxes aren't near as high as other places.

    Turned out great.  But I have to ask have you thought about having that exposed wood on the outside that your going to have to treat every year or couple of years stucco'd ?  Just was curious, because looking at the rest of your house it looks as though you have no exterior painting.  


    We thought about the maintenance and thought it was worth it. We really like the way the cedar looks. We're debating removing the vinyl and replacing it with more cedar.

  5. I know some of you follow me on FB and Instagram so you already know all this. Last July my wife and I decided to demolish the back deck and add a screened in porch to our house. Well, 6 months later we ended up with a very nice sunroom. My brother and I did everything except the decking and the shingles on the roof. Needless to say it kept me very busy. Between doing details, car shows, and construction it didn't leave much time for me to visit forums.


    Over the next couple of weeks I'll be posting up some of those details. For now I'm going to share some pics of the new addition.


    Here's what we started with:




    Finished project. We ended up with a 14'x16' room and a little over 520 sqft of deck space.















  6. It's almost like I can still see Mook's reflection in that paint.

    Thanks for sharing these Len. I saw you FB comment and was jealous and also upset there wasn't any pics with it. Well you TOTALLY redeemed yourself!

    I love seeing shots of that beast.....or Boost. Eh, you know what I mean.



    I also thought of Mook and how lucky he was to do the initail polishing on Boost. I now have pics on FB too. I have to keep you on edge.



    Too bad you (and everyone else) didn't get to see Boost going down the road. But it's still cool you got to see her up close and personal like that.



    I'm hoping I'll get at least one more chance to see it before the end of the year. I'm trying to talk my wife into a vacation to Ohio for the Goodguy's show. It's Ohio or the beach. I'm betting I lose.



    Sweet, looks like an awesome time.



    Absolutely. Well worth the 3+ hours I spent driving down and back.



    SWEET! :drool: 

    Yes it was.

  7. What can I say that hasn't already been said? Great clinic, awesome new products coming, hands on training with the new products....... The list goes on and on.

    It was great finally getting to meet everyone and put a face to a name or username. Dylan recognized me by voice, lord knows I've called him enought for info on products. He's lucky I don't have his cell number.

    Adam has put together an amazing team and also treats them the way employees should be treated. It's great to be a dealer for this small company.


    Can't wait for the next meeting.

  8. Here we have 2 Adamized Pontiacs. One 2002 Trans Am in triple black with only 33k on the clock and the other is a beautiful 1966 GTO.


    Both cars received a 2 bucket wash. The Trans Am washed polished to near perfection and treated with QS, BG and topped off with Patriot. The GTO was clayed and then coated with BG and APW.


    Sorry no before pics.






  9. Thanks again for all the comments. This thing is definitely going to be a labor of love. I took it today to get new exhaust (the previous exhaust was a hack job) and after seeing it on a lift I've got some work ahead of me. It has some leaks, oil, trans, and pinion.


    At highway speed, 60mph-65mph it vibrates so bad your teeth rattle. Tomorrow I'm taking the drive shaft to be balanced and while it's out I'm going to put in a new pinion seal.


    I've also found a place on the left front fender that'll need to be repainted. The paint is blistered. I'll probably wait til winter to do that along with pulling the engine and the trans. Right now I just want to get her all shine up and drive it.:burnout:


    I'm still not 100% sure on the gears in this thing. At 60mph I was turning 2500rpm. Any faster and the vibration starts being really bad. At 70 it would be up around 3000.


    Here's a pic of the new exhaust


  10. When we had our new bendpak lift installed last year, they sent a company out that they contract to.do the installs for your area. They used our fork lift and a series of pulleysto get everything up right and on the studs. Ask them who they have in your area. Hope this helps!


    Thanks! I'll be calling around tomorrow.

  11. I'm wanting to get a lift for my shop so I can offer under carriage cleaning. I'm wanting to get the Bendpak HD9 which is good up to 9000 lbs. I don't think I'd want to clean the under carriage of anything heavier than that.


    Now for the questions


    Do I need to rent a forklift to unload it off the truck?


    Can I install myself or are there companies that do this for a small fee?


    Is there a company that I purchase a lift and install package from all together?


    I'm sure I'll think of more later.



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