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Everything posted by JJ1o87

  1. So what color is your truck haha
  2. His money tree goes a long way.
  3. That's awesome, I'd like to live in the country eventually. There's only so many years i can take seeing buildings and sniffing bus exhaust fumes lol
  4. hahah I guess you're a glass half full kind've guy?
  5. I have one. Used it for the first time yesterday. Let me just say this stuff is awesome! Thank you very much g-**** government. Was weird getting outve my car after a drive and smelling baby powder.
  6. lol where the he** did you find that
  7. Jeff will NOT be detailing it. Jeff just spent two days doing his car and like I told you I don't want to hear the words "Porter-Cable" for atleast a year. hah. I'm sad to see the Viper go too, but that car is about as useful as a pair of boobs on a bull. Anyway, another new addition to John's Garage - have fun detailing that thing.
  8. JJ1o87


    Sweet picture. Unfortunately, in NY this is all I see out've my front patio:
  9. Jesus Mike, props to you for getting your legs inked up. That could not have been fun.
  10. Well the exterior detail is done. SHR/FMP/2 coats of APW. Have to say I think I'm finally getting the hang of this. The halogen light is a must have. I'm pretty confident that I have zero swirl. Couple things tho. I'm not happy with the quality of the pads. Those pads generated so much dust that after I went over a panel it looked like I was using a belt sander right next to my car. I wasn't using too much product, 3 pea sized drops! Idk, maybe its me. Anyway, tomorrow comes the interior and pics!
  11. Actually come to think of it, when I was a kid (12 and younger) I used to collect matchbox cars, probably have a few hundred. Also collected police cars. Where they are now? Who knows. Have to check the attic.
  12. Sorry everyone...lol Well, 4 hours later, little under half of the car is buffed. Hopefully tomorrow the paint will be done, then comes the interior!
  13. Well I must say the upside of the overcast and high winds is that drying the car was a breeze! No pun intended. Car is washed - now the pain in the rump part begins.
  14. Actually my daddy did not buy my car. I work my *** off and save every nickel to pay for it Sparky.
  15. Until you pull up in front of someone's house and the people inside say, "Oh no. A drug dealer is here."
  16. Yeah I agree with you on that, which is probably why I haven't seen it in awhile hah
  17. Reminds me of this show on Discovery Channel called time warp. It's basically a show where they do things, such as shooting guns at stuff, and shoot it with a high speed camera. Check it out, it's pretty cool.
  18. What can I say Bill, I'm just a great friend.
  19. I love my friend John and that is why I am here to help him through this difficult stage of his life By the way I am now in touch with my feminine side
  20. What part of long island are you from anyway? I'm in glen head practically every week.
  21. Well if I saw you rolling down the block in your little green astro-turf mohawk helmet I'd swerve into you too! Now let's not intimidate anyone with your threats of beating people with bricks - they would use you as currency in prison.
  22. you're probably right about that one!
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