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Everything posted by bobfred44

  1. Welcome Phil from Bob in Allentown..............nice ride!!!
  2. $50 per occurrence plus $50 if you rinse for more than 2 minutes or don't use a hose or a bucket or you don't have an automatic hose nozzles. Looks like our local police department will be busy this summer. Using the garage has now been moved to Plan A, the car wash plan is now Plan B.
  3. OK, here is the scoop. I looked into the water ban further and it turns out, the local water authority had what appears to be a capital spending plan to drill more wells in our area which has been growing rapidly. Even during the economic downturn, there are still developments being built, just not at the rapid pace. The well drilling project seems to be way behind schedule and they are concerned about the lack of water for essential use so they are telling us we can wash cars,,,,,,,,,,,,,but not totally. For those of us living in houses with an odd number address, we can wash our cars on the first and third Saturday of a month. We have to use a bucket (brilliant people on the water authority) and a hose with an automatic shutoff nozzle. Still no problem. Here is where it gets interesting, we can use the hose to spray the vehicle for no more than two minutes. Adam, got any timers for sale? So, I think I can live with this along with my plan. All this because the bone heads are behind schedule, but law is law. Michael, any website for the no rinse car wash. I did use the "Waterless Car Wash" years ago but now that I know more about detailing, I am not sure that was good for the black paint on our Saab. Adam, Ashley and Steve, any suggestions regarding this method of washing. Oh well, this is minor in the big picture of live and Riley (Irish Setter) really likes the car wash. Hope we don't get kick out again for using buckets. I have been kicked out of bars, sporting events and now even a car wash. My wife is a saint!!!! I also want to thank ever Veteran and current Armed Service person for all they do for us. Happy Memorial Day!:patriot: Thanks for the helpful hints.:pc:
  4. Ok, so our local authority has just notified us that we can no longer wash our cars starting June 1. I can explain how screwed up our government is in Allentown (Lehigh Valley) Pa. and Pennsylvania but that is not what this forum is for. I need to continue to wash my three cars on a weekly basis to keep that new detail look all summer. I just detailed all three cars topping them off with APW and now this news. Well, I have a plan and need all you experts to lend your advice. Free advice in Pa is still tax free but I am sure that will change soon. After all, the newest industry in the Lehigh Valley just opened today which is said to help bail us out of Pa's budget deficit. It is "Legalized Gambling" and the casino was built on the sight of the old Bethlehem Steel Mills. Our economy is in trouble. Oh, sorry, back to my plan: 1. Buy one more Adams buckets with grid. I already have one. 2. Fill on bucket with Adasm soap and was mitt. The second one fill with plain water. Screw on lids and pack the buckets and Adams green wheel cleaner, brushes, APC, DS, a few MFT and MF drying towels into my vehicle 3. Head to my local car wash about 6 am Saturday mornings. 6 AM becuase buckets are not allowed and I don't what the buckets cop or cash wash cops trach me down. I feel they will feel sorry for me that early in the morning. 4. Rinse down the care completely, wash tires and wheels first, then was down the entire car with the soap bucket and rins the mitt with the clean water bucket, 5. Rinse down car again, maybe using the "Spot Free" rinse as a final pass. Don't know if that would hurt the finish. (Any advise?) 6. Dry off car with white MF drying towels and DS. This p***es me off since I just bought the vacuum/blower from Adams which really helps in the drying process. Unless the car wash has electric outlets, I am screwed. 7. Drive home and finish with the windows and vacuuming and final details. I don't care if I wake up the neighbors cause they would proabably report me if I wash the cars in the driveways. If anyone has ideas that would add to this plan, again, I would appreciate your help. This is the summer version of Adam's winter car wash video which by the way, I tried in January and was told to leave because I could not use a bucket. If it sounds like I am upset, you got it. I am all for protecting our environment and believe we may need to do something, but no washing cars at all is a little extreme. The vehicles are huge investments and I take pride in not only how the car I drive looks, but I take care of everything I own. Why can't we was every other week or some other modified approach. As it turns out, going to the car wash will probably use more water. Maybe the water authority's web site a better news but until then, I will work with my plan Thanks for listening to me rant and hopefully, I can get through this. Car washing and detailing is like therapy for me. Ashley, send my a bucket!
  5. welcome sal. bob from PA here. I am sure you will enjoy the Adams products the more you use them. Also, Adams Polishes customer service is by far the best ever.
  6. He Adam, we booked our Colorado beginning June 24. Starting off in Denver then heading west. Are you in town?
  7. Like I said before, you get the best advice from Bill.
  8. Todd, As you continue to use Adams Polishes, you better get use to EXCELLENT customer service. No many companies beat Adams in that category. Also, there is plenty of support here on the forum from members that are experts and are very willing to help. They all helped me at different times and with different issues. I will be watching the replies to your questions since that is another way I learn. Good luck and a couple of months down the road you will be helping others.
  9. Wow, I just placed an order for other Adam's products that the new towels and cleaner would not be available until late this week. Are they available now? I did not see them on line. Glad to hear the combo works so great. Guess I will have to place an order and wait an additional week.
  10. Thanks Kevin. I know this is not a show car but it is my wife's DD for the past 5 years. It has been taken care of since day one but never looked this good until I switched to Adams Polishes. I can't say enough about the products and even though they are not inexpensive, this car will look like new for years, thus saving thousands over the years. Adams products are well worth every penny and having a happy wife is priceless.
  11. Jason, I could not agree any more. Great letter and you hit the nail on the head, closing dealerships will have a large negative impact on everyone's community. I recently participated in a charity golf tournament, golfing and myself is like water and oil, but I noticed that one local car dealership did significant amount of sponsorship including donating a car for a hole in one challenge. The owner of the dealership himself and his entire family participated in the tournament. You would never realize what had happened earlier that day but the next morning, I read that he had lost one of his franchises. Jason, you are correct. These dealers do so much a part of our communities that time will show just how much of a positive impact the havd had on all of us during the past. I am a huge US car supporter but honestly, closing dealerships has me rethinking my support. Shame but true. Most dealers start as a family business, taking risks, investing their life savings, and then building it into a profitable business. Why take this away. It is part of the American dream, much like Adams Polishes. I just don't get it. Good luck with your letter and I myself will support your approach.
  12. Thanks Bill, Riley did go for a ride but not in the Saab, took him in the Jeep. I go through so much Adams window cleaner cleaning after him, I order it by the gallon size.
  13. Finally the pictures. The shots are at different stages of applying the APW, three coats. The final picture may qualify at the "Official Pet" but basically, he just loves to go for rides. Leave the door open for a second, Riley is in, ready to go. I am very pleased with the results of APW, even though the pictures may not show the any justice to the results. I can't believe the mirror like finish over the entire car and extremely easy to apply. Next, the silver SKY. Again, thanks to the Adams team and Bill's advice. This is my wife's car and I think I am out of the dog house for awhile.
  14. Thanks Bill. I am not sure I waited long enough but I will be sure to do that with the 2nd and maybe 3rd application. hopefully, pictures will be coming later today. i need to get a mountain bike ride in before the rains come again, then work on the Saab. Sorry, priorities!!
  15. Well, I finished the first coat of the APW delivered today. I applied it to the balck Saab. It was so easy to use that I was concerned I was applying it incorrectly. Then I used the new white MF towel to remove the APW and buff, the results proved it was applied properly. What a deep, wet looking finish. I had only one question I need to research. How long to let the APW on before removing. I applied the APW to one section at at time and then almost immediatley, removed the wax. This was the final stage of detailing which began last week, wash, clay, SHR, MP, MSW and today, wash and APW. Outstanding results! Tomorrow I will apply the second coat and then attempt to post pictures. So far, money well spent without a question. Thanks Adams Team.:cheers:
  16. Thanks for the update. I just received my APW this morning and I am all set up to use it on our black Saab and silver Saturn SKY. After this update and having your 22 yrs experience as a conclusion, I can't wait to exeprience the same results on bother our cars. Thanks.
  17. Oh boy. I need creative excuses for my wife to prove to her why I need these new products. HELP!!!!
  18. I had a similar question to Ashley yesterday but the only difference is the time between my detail and when I plan to apply the APW. I did the same as above, washed, clayed, SHR, FMP, Revive, MSW last weekend. Fantastic results on also a black vehicle, Saab 9.3t. I plan to apply the APW this weekend and Ashely mentioned this would be not issue. I will wash and the apply APW. Not sure if detail spray will help after washing. Can't wait for the results.
  19. Not sure how many Adams blue MF towels I have and 4 new smaller towels on the way. I think I have more towels for the cars than we have in the house for bathing. Priorities!!!!! Now I know why I get that look from my wife when a new Adams package shows up on our door stop. I have to stop working late and get home first.
  20. Got my shipping notification today. Mine will be here Friday. Saturday morning I will be finishing my detailing of the black Saab with one or two coats of APW. Can't wait.
  21. Could not have said it any better. Of course, after a mountain bike ride, then the beer, then the detailing. Detailing always looks better after a cold one, or two.
  22. Your mommy was correct. Of course, aren't moms always right. Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there putting up with us buying all those Adam's Polishes products. Of course, after my latest order, I may need all the backup I can get from everyone out there with your support of me buying all this Adams stuff. "Tips and Tricks" is a great idea....................
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