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Everything posted by PacificNWBuckeye

  1. Cruisers are typically for comfort, but they are one gear. If your route would include hills it may be advisable to look for something with gears.
  2. NO SUV right now, only one I did I didn't do the roof due to some sort of funk that APC wouldn't cut. Owner was ok with leaving that section till we could find some thing to cut it.
  3. Near on 6'4" here, not so narrow built. Probably looking at XL or 2XL, can't wait for them to show up for order.
  4. I love these cars! I'm kinda partial to the first ones in '91 or '92, but the later ones had way more power.
  5. Guess I'm the oddball, that's normal for me though, I go to the specific sections to see what's new. I tend to look while at work and try to take up as much time as possible. I'm 1st line maintenance for photolithography equipment, so if nothing is broke and my projects are done I have nothing to do.
  6. I don't even have kids and I would love to build one just like it!
  7. Looks like it works pretty good for paint decon. I can't blame you for cleaning up the rental. I had one last year when my Taurus was in for some body work and if it hadn't been the rainy season I would have cleaned it up the same, I hate driving a dirty car.
  8. I tried to give everything I was using to a neighbor, a small cart included, but he was too lazy to ever walk over the three houses to pick it up.
  9. I've been looking at getting one of those since I have a new Explorer on order. Do they get slick once the water starts flying? I was thinking it could benifit from some grip tape on the walking surface.
  10. Nice truck! As good as the Dodge looked this should be a beter calling card. I love that stance, I'd throw a set of Chevy ralleys and consider an old school door logo for your buisness and drive it.
  11. I wondered if this would be an issue on the old tops for the polishes mainly, guess I don't have to worry now. Man my odds and ends order just keeps growing.
  12. We finally got some good weather on days I had off so I had to try out some of my new products. No pics of the whole car dirty, it made me sad so I didn't take a shot, but here is where the wheels started. Broke out the DWC, APC and the Woolies, love the Woolies! Gave it a scrub down with Adams Shampoo. Needs some Invisable Undercarrige Spray. Better. Tossed on a little buttery for the time being, if I was in it longer I might do more, but my new company car order is being processed and I should only have this another month or so...
  13. I thought the same thing about the suspension, but the shop is pretty good. Look at the reflection at the leading edge of the hood.
  14. Snot bad! sorry, couldn't resist...
  15. Blangtastic! That looks so good I had to make up a word. I would have never believed that was the hood without the towel.
  16. From what you can see there doesn't look to be much damage. Got to give it to them, it was pretty gentle getting up there.
  17. Facebook..... it burns!!!!! Nice turn around on the Jeep though. How do people not realize atomized paint not only get on what they want it on, but on everything in the vicinity as well.
  18. Afters look amazing! You gave them back a "new" car, the color change on the interior and exterior is crazy.
  19. Great start, can't wait to see the completed pics.
  20. Man, I saw a Boss in this same color today, Wow it is green. These pics just don't do it justice. I'd love to see some clean shots in the sun if you got them.
  21. I'm gonna have to try this when my new Explorer comes in, hopefully the dealer doesn't swirl it too bad.
  22. Looks great! I love the proportions of the 1 Series.
  23. From what I've read on the C5 forum it always sounded like the Camaro clear was super soft. They seemed to complain of scratches constantly.
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