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Everything posted by PacificNWBuckeye

  1. I'm just as bad James. I had my camera with me and never took it out to take any shots.
  2. I recently got to try out the Flex and I am one of those that are thinking of upgrading for my own vehicles. It seemed the Flex gave much better correction in much less time. I do a couple vehicles for friends as well, but I'm no professional. I also liked how smooth the operation was, the PC does a decent correction, but it will vibrate your arms off.
  3. I'll second the thanks to Ron Tonkin Acura and the employees that were on hand to assist during the clinic. Also Thanks to Adam to coming out to our corner of the country for some show and tell. He saw my wife had a brace on her foot for a problem with her heal and asked the dealership guys to get a chair for her. Just a great guy, one more reason Adams will have my buisness for a long time coming.
  4. Went to the Admas detail clinic this morning (well most of it), now I get to work all night. Clinic was great, got to see the new deep wheel cleaner in action and get good tips from the man himself, Adam.
  5. Went to the Portland Roadster show, met Mook and Lynn, both super nice. Picked up $97 worth of products I haven't tried yet. Mook let me run the Flex on their test vehicle, now I want one of those..... thanks Mook .
  6. Yeah it was a good time. There were too many people to really get to talk to him. A woman ahead of me asked if he had a '55 or '56 and he said he had sold the '56 and one other, picked up a GTO and something else. I was a bit back from them at the time so I didn't hear it all. I didn't want to ask the same stuff as everyone else, just told him it was a great show and that he got my wife (who is not a comedy fan) laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. He said he was happy to cause physical harm with his comedy. Seemed really nice.
  7. Just got back from seeing Christopher Titus live in Portland at Helium Comedy Club. The wife and I had reserved seating, but we didn't get to pick our seats. We were dead center 1 row back, maybe 10 feet off the stage. I been a comedy fan forever, but this was the first time I've been to a live performance. Titus killed, he is starting to work out some new stuff, most was pretty good, still working out the timing, but good none the less. He got back into the stuff from the last special he just recorded and it was tight and hilarious. My wife bought me the box set of his specials after the show. I got to meet him and shake his hand, tell him how much we enjoyed the show and he signed my set.
  8. Not sure I can make it for the clinic, I would love to meet Adam, but I work nights and it's across town. I will do my best to come out, but I will definitely be at the Roadster show on Friday. I see some new products coming home with me....
  9. Not sure I can make it for the clinic, I would love to meet Adam, but I work nights and it's across town. I will do my best to come out, but I will definitely be at the Roadster show on Friday. I see some new products coming home with me....
  10. OK, not fair! You have 2 of my favorite cars. I've been looking for a decent wagon for awhile. The Impala looks great after your detail. Can't wait to see the wagon.
  11. There was a website you could get 6-speed conversion kits from a few years ago, big-b-bodies or something like that. Both look great, but I'm not feeling those wheels on the Impala.
  12. Whoo Hoo! Wife found my Americana today, had one last present when I got home from work today.
  13. That thing looks amazing, most Citations were rusting with-in weeks of being sold. I know it's an '80, but the Black and Gold sreams the 70's.
  14. Well it was a balmy 41 up here, but I had to wash both vehicles. Too dark for a pic as I wrapped up.
  15. Not much on my list, but he wife did get me a tub of Americana.... Now if she can remember where she hid it.
  16. Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!
  17. I have the 75 footeer and it gets everywhere I need to go, but it's a beast. I need to get a reel and anything longer you'll definatly gonna want a reel.
  18. The LeMay Museum near Seattle is pretty impressive from the pics I've seen. I've been to the MaryMount location (old school, Hundreds of vehicles on site) and it is an all day afair to go through.
  19. I've gotten the same normal "Mine next", "you gonna wash the paint off" to being accused of repainting my Crown Vic after a correction of Adams. My last apartment I lived in shared a driveway with the neighbor and got slightly tired of the joking mine next that not long before we moved he pulled in when I was finishing up and made one of those comments, so once he was inside I washed his too.
  20. I'm in a simmilar spot with my company Taurus, it's up soon and I can pick the Explorer, Edge or Escape. The Edge was least comfortable to me, the Explorer most attractive and the Escape is kinda funky. The Explorer is reported as getting pretty poor MPG and lots of issues with the MyFord Touch interface. The current updates are supposed to have fixed the issues, but it will take time to prove out. The interior is pretty tight for a large vehicle, I've read the Traverse is better all round. The rent each for a weeks sounds like a good way to test them out.
  21. A guy I work with has the last body style Charger in the same color. He has one of the Adams Flex kits (bought it after he saw the turn around on my Vic) and he is having simmilar issue with fine scratches. Is the clear on the Dodges a particularly hard one?
  22. Looking at the before and afters, it's like looking a a light bulb that is off vs one that is on. The afters, well it just glows. I thought maybe you tweaked the pic in photoshop, but the one with the other car driving across still shows the TBSS glowing and nothing else. Amazing.
  23. You sure you didn't repaint?...... I mean it looks grey in the before shots. Amazing turn around.
  24. Thanks Mark! I didn't know the Cinnamon was a rare color. It's a company lease that is almost up and I wish that color was still offered so I could get it on my next vehicle.
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