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Everything posted by livingwater

  1. I like applying and buffing out the buttery wax by hand. It's really good stuff
  2. I gave up on glass towels 2 years ago. Newsprint works best for me
  3. Welcome I used only "M" before I found Adams Premium Car Care Products
  4. I wash the Great white dryer towel with my microfibers. I air dry them afterwards I usually wait until I collect 7 or more before I wash them. I leave them hanging in the garage prior to washing
  5. I haven't wash my vette with water in almost two years. Waterless wash is what I use. For light dust Adam's detail spray brings the finish back to liquid gold (atomic orange metallic) I just picked up my second gallon of waterless wash tonight from my local dealer
  6. 34 years of loving to help others. Been out of it now for 7 years
  7. My wife bought me the detail bag from Adams last year at Corvettes at Carlisle It fits in the vette with the top stored in the back.. A really nicely American made (like me) detail bag
  8. What great pic's Question: What's cheaper? Paying Jumkman to detail or feeding him?
  9. With the vette, after every cruise, when I return to the garage I do a "walk around" with Adam's Detail spray and a tight weave microfiber towel for removing bugs and/or debris.
  10. I keep most of mine in an orange Homer bucket with a cover. I also keep some in my Adam's bag which travels in the vette when I go cruising
  11. Maybe this year the R..n will stay away and the sun will shine everyday! Even with the rain it was one of the best times I've had Attending Corvettes at Carlisle is a new annual tradition for my wife and I.
  12. The pink colored Detail spray to me is recognized throughout the industry as Adam's. If clear is better then....make it so but cover it in a pink bottle
  13. Thanks for posting the video I drive by a car wash every day and I can't believe some of the expensive cars that go that root:confused: Every vehicle is hand dried by approx. 3 or 4 people using a red color shop rag
  14. I need to label my baggies that I keep the microfiber applicator pads in. That way I woud have known which one was used with BSG, Buttery wax, Leather conditioner, etc.....
  15. I have a 45000 BTU natural gas heater with tubular heat exchanger hanging from my ceiling In my 2nd floor office/Gym I have air conditioning and a gas fired ventless convection wall heater The vette never gets below 40°F
  16. I can dry the vette completely with one Great white drying towel. My towel from Adams is huge and it moves a lot of water FAST I usually pull the towel along the surface of the car instead of wiping it down. It absorbs all of the water
  17. I wash my great white drying towel, waterless wash and plush microfiber towels in my front loader washing machine I use a little amount of tide
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