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Customer Service 866.965.0400


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Everything posted by Kwhite

  1. 2nd from the last pic looks like the jeep got high centered lol
  2. omg another sale tomorrow? sheesh already dropped a few hundred on orders today!! /sigh my wife is gonna strangle me....and by strangle i mean drop a safe on my head....and by drop a safe on my head, i mean murderize me.... lol
  3. i need to find some friends and a bar like that....and hope the missus hasnt seen this commercial. guess its dvds from here on out for her!!!
  4. i know that adams is working on something. at least last i heard it was in the works...although this has been for a few months now...
  5. Kwhite

    Use Condoms

    lol the good ole "switch" ahhhh good ole days of corporal punishment
  6. Kwhite

    Use Condoms

    lol...more appropriate for that instance "use a belt"
  7. i just recieved yet another waffle towel in the rorder i got a few days ago...already plotting buying another couple on the next order. can never have too many waffles and mf towels handy!!!
  8. welcome and grats on upcomming retirement!!!
  9. welcome Randy, cant wait for detailing days!!
  10. i want some!!!!(have some small stickers from last detail clinic, but i want a banner!!! and a mf apron.... lol)
  11. that kinda invite is almost enough to take a road trip lol
  12. i appreciate the kindness of you and your associates...and the fact that the product is THE BEST IN THE WORLD(thats right...i said world) doesnt hurt either lol (next order should be being placed within a day or 2, combining what i forgot on this order...mf towels, can never have enough....a shirt or 3...a new bag most likely...would LOVE a mf apron hint, hint....probably some more clay...etc with what a friend ive convinced by demonstrating Adams product to is going to order!!! lol)
  13. an Angel gets its wings!!! Yet another order of Adams superior product has been delivered today. Soon as the kids said "theres a delivery guy at the door" i shouted "WHOOPPPEEEEEE!!! its here!!!"(okay, wasnt actually whoopee... but this is a family site lol) i was so excited again... lol
  14. great job teresa!!! and hope ya have fun with the jaeger (fer, hope ya had a great day)
  15. id buy those as they sat....peice together one from a bunch of diff wrecks, youd have an exotic for a 10th of the price!!!
  16. id buy those as they sat....peice together one from a bunch of diff wrecks, youd have an exotic for a 10th of the price!!!
  17. what are they gonna do with the camaro line?
  18. the driver of the ferarri had a way slow rt. id estimate it(after watching it 3 times then getting stopwatch out) at about .78 seconds slower than the driver of the smart car. ferarri shoulda won, but sheesh...thats a FAST smart car lol
  19. the driver of the ferarri had a way slow rt. id estimate it(after watching it 3 times then getting stopwatch out) at about .78 seconds slower than the driver of the smart car. ferarri shoulda won, but sheesh...thats a FAST smart car lol
  20. lol ive got a delivery scheduled for tomorrow, woulda ordered these too if they would have had them out last friday...ah well, another item for my next order in a week or so lol
  21. im disgruntled Adam!!! im disgruntled that i cant afford to order 6 of everything!!! lol your customer service is great. havent had a chance to deal with Ashley, but Jason is great(although nowhere near as good looking...lol) to deal with. Keep up the great work guys. Another order incomming soon(this one is due to arrive tomorrow lol)
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