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Posts posted by Holder

  1. Per the product header:


    Adam's Hex-Grip Pro Tire Dressing Applicator - TEMPORARILY ON BACK ORDER



    We ran low during the sale so we had to pull them off the site. They should be back in stock soon.


    I would imagine y'all sold a ton of products with this sale. I know I bought a few items that were on sale.


    I noticed that my shipment went out a little later than normal, but with these awesome deals I would expect orders to pick up.


    Thanks for the great deals:patriot: My wife might not appreciate it but I sure do.:thumbsup:

  2. I'd say the Americana is a little more difficult to remove in certain climates. The Buttery has the ease of use and versatility going for it because it can be applied 2 diferent ways. I do love the extra protection you get with the Americana.


    The way I will do it for some cars is do the Americana initially after a polish and once a month or so (4-6 washes) apply a coat of Buttery.

  3. Absolutly love this car, one of these may be in my garage within the near future


    BTW, someone needs to get that guy some Adam's Glass Cleaner

  4. [ATTACH]12363[/ATTACH]

    this is what i came up with for now. Other than being on the other side of the garage from my detailing cabinets, master blaster, and metro vac, thinkin i like it. Can hang the brushes up to let them air dry, and they're out of the way of everything, especially my little pup. Sure he would have a great time if he got hold of one of my brushes, me not so much lol



    I don'tknow why I haven't thought to put a hole at the end of my Turbo Stick like yours. i hang all the rest of the brushes up except that on. I took me seeing your pictureto realize what I need to do.


    It's the little things that I can't figure out i guess.:2thumbs:

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