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Everything posted by eleven357

  1. Not when you have a lawyer and filed first.
  2. Good work dude! This makes me hungry.
  3. THat sucks! I have already explained the importance of adams MF only on the cars and she fully understands. How much yelling did you do?
  4. So when is the XXXXX wax going to be released?
  5. Good luck Bill and anyone else who is going through trying times!
  6. Welcome to the forum! I hope that you enjoy your stay!
  7. Yes. I'm more into the NFL than any other sport.
  8. Good afternoon everyone! I hope you are all having a great Friday!
  9. I look like someone who isn't a republican.
  10. Good afternoon 71 degrees here and clear skies. My plants are loving it outside. I hope you all have a great weekend. I know tomorrow is Friday, but today is my Friday.
  11. So what you are all telling me, is that you all have marbles just laying around? I haven't had a marble since I was in the 5th grade.
  12. My daughter has a 360, We have a Wii and 2 PS3's as well.
  13. Hello from Cali. Welcome to the Forum! I hope that you enjoy your stay!
  14. haha! Thanks! I didn't get those yet, but I did get some revive and a tshirt!
  15. LOL@all the glass. it almost sounds like a good rap.
  16. Great work Phil! How bad were the swirls before you detailed?
  17. when I was 16 (15 years ago) I would wash my car with dish soap. Also used terrycloth towels to dry. I would also wax every 3 months but since I was using dish soap, well you know the rest.
  18. I stand corrected. I do more macro photography than anything else. Macro lenses are a lot more expensive.
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