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Im new to the forum any suggestions?


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as title suggests, what would you suggest in me starting ?


Buy MANY Adam's products!:D


:patriot:A good start would be a good wash mitt (lambswool or Adam's brand), Adam's Car Wash Shampoo and a Great White Drying Towel and of course the Adam's Detail Spray a must have to spritz your car before drying.


That's what I started with and after this initial purchase, Adam's products became an obsession. Currently, I'm using all Adam's hand applied polishes and waxes exclusively, but I may delve into the machine applied stuff late next summer.

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Watch the videos. Then watch the videos. Read the forums (chances are if you have a question it has been asked; but feel free to just ask if you like. We like new people and are always glad to help). Tell us your stories and engage in the forums. Oh and if you haven't watched any videos, then you should. Adam's Videos are great and the next volume is coming soon. You will get a well-rounded lesson on almost every product and how to use it. If you have more patience and want to really learn how to use a porter cable polisher then watch the Junkman's videos. It will also help you understand some of the language, and the jokes around here.


As for product: Detail spray, lots and lots of detail spray. Just buy a gallon so you won't have to worry. And like musclejucnkie said, start with the washing, the shampoo, wash towel, drying towel, clay bar, and did I mention detail spray.


Then watch some videos.


You know it is amazing how easy it is to learn around here.

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Welcome to the forums! Based on your wants/needs for your routine its gonna really vary.


Good wash supplies are always a good place to start, no sense in polishing all the swirls out if you're going to to put them right back in with bad wash habits.


Then depending on the individual situation you'll base your polish & wax choices on how you plan to maintain the car and how much time/effort you want to invest.


Most of all feel free to ask as many questions and search the forum for input... theres a wealth of information here from customers just like you and I'm sure if you can't find an answer someone will be chime in to help!

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Welcome! Everyone pretty much hit it already.


Update your profile with location, cars, etc. The more info, the more people can help.


Knowledge is key. Learn before you leap. Watch all the videos, search the forum, ask questions before placing an order.


Washing the car properly is the foundation for good paint. Get the right products and learn the right techniques.

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I did the exact opposite as eric said, I lept before I really learned. I put a moritorium on my detailing until I watched all the videos. I am a bit of a perfectionist so I watched them all several times. I have my portable DVD player in the garage and the Adam's DVD on standby everytim eI detail my car, just in case.

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