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Pad Dusting



Ok I know this topic has been discussed......butttttt.......


My new green pad and SSHR came in and I prepped the pad with a two shots of detail spray and a X shape on the pad to "Prime" it. I spread the product over the section of hood, then on PC setting 2 i spread the product. Then on a setting of 4 began to start working the product.Then it started dusting really bad before the product started working. I then added another shot of DS to wet the pad some, a few seconds later it was dusting again. What am I doing wrong or is this normal?


I don't have a video but about one pass over my 1/4 of the hood vertical it dust and I have only made one pass. Throw out suggestions?


The product worked great but just dusted!

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sometimes the products will just cake in a spot or two i have had that issue a few times but I bought a small stiff bristle brush that has what looks like a gun handle on it so when i start dusting i just hit the pad evenly with the brush and then hit it with a little ds and keep working the same area seems to work for me.

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