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DS Preacher



I'm starting a new church to extoll the virtues and sing the praises of Adam's DS. I've commented before, but I just can not believe this stuff. I very lightly spritzed my car (as in two quick shots for the entire hood) after a pool rinse with DS and in three minutes and a waffle weave, my car was dry and as smooth and glossy as a fully detailed ride. Since I've discovered Adam's products, I never wash my car without his shampoo and DS. Not one water spot or smear, either...not even on the glass! Only takes a quick shot of DS mist too. One small bottle lasted me all of last winter and I just started my second bottle. Another thing it does is add protection, even though the Adam's folks deny it adds much, I think it reinforces the wax on your car. The water still beads up like crazy on my car that was waxed last autumn and driven through a harsh salty winter. A lot of folks are using WW as a drying agent, which is cool I guess, but there is just no way my WW will ever replace my DS as my drying agent.:bow:


Sorry if you're growing tired of my extolling the virtues of this product. Maybe I should change my handle to "DS Preacher". :D

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Can you go into a little more detail with your drying process. This is an area I seem to be struggling with and I think I'm causing minor swirls from drying. I also pool rinse, then mist with DS and dry with the GWDT. However I have a little bit of smearing left over usually and I think i'm getting some swirling as well. Any chance you can describe exactly how you dry with the waffle weave?



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Can you go into a little more detail with your drying process. This is an area I seem to be struggling with and I think I'm causing minor swirls from drying. I also pool rinse, then mist with DS and dry with the GWDT. However I have a little bit of smearing left over usually and I think i'm getting some swirling as well. Any chance you can describe exactly how you dry with the waffle weave?




First off, when I say "spritz", I'm talking pull the trigger on the spray with a quick pull and quick release holding about two to three feet from the area you are hitting on the car. Two spritz, one each side for the roof. two for the hood, one for trunk, and one each door and body and glass panel. It sounds like you might have too much DS on the car or truck or your surface is warm or hot. I NEVER wash or rinse in direct sunlight or on a hot finish surface. As for the drying method, my one Waffle Weave dries the entire car. Also....important....I do from top to bottom of car in that order, skipping glass to the last and also important is I do the areas which contain the least amount of water drops first, then go back and hit the wetter areas last and of course the bottom third of the car very last.


As far as the washing, I power rinse first top to bottom then I foam it up with a "cheap chink" foam nozzle and then wash top to bottom with Adams suds water and wash mitt, generously rubbing on the grit guard and alternately flipping sides on the mitt from one area on the car to the next. I do half hood, half roof, half windows and half trunk on one side of the mitt, flip it and do the other half, then rub on the grit guard. If the mitt is really dirty I power rinse it off before going back into the suds. I don't use the two bucket method and my car is swirl free. I DO NOT rinse till the entire car is washed, as Adam shows on his videos and my car is bone dry in areas before I am done washing. Not a problem!


This method works for me and I'm sure it is not technically the correct foam gun / two bucket method, but I'll post some pic's tomorrow if I get a chance. The results of the Adams products on my exterior is nothing short of amazing.


If you have really hard water, that could contribute to spotting and or smearing. My water is pretty good.

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thanks for the info. do you actually rub with the waffle weave at all or just kind of pull it across the paint?


Dry the car like your drying dishes! There shouldn't be any scrubbing. Also make sure to fold the towel, that way you always have a clean dry section on the towel

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Personally, I treat drying as if I were waxing the car. I fold the WW up and devote each piece of the folded towel to a body part. One for the hood, then unfold to a dry area of the towel and one for the roof, trunk, fender, door etc. The other thing this does is eliminate ANY chance of picking up a missed speck of film or dirt and rubbing it across the next panel. I treat each section of the towel as if it were contaminated with dirt. My car, like I said is swirl-free. I think a lot of problems occur when people haphazardly dry their car, pay no attention to looking at the towel as they go, etc. Many times as I dry the car, I'll pick up a smudge or two of dirt, especially on the lower areas. Remember DS is your friend and will lubricate your finish while drying. Just do not use too much of it and do not apply much pressure to the towel, just enough to soak up the dampness. With a pool rinse, you should not have a ton of water to begin with.


To Chris: I meant no disrespect towards any religious belief, if you thought I was serious about the preacher thing. Let's just say I tend to get a tad bit carried away sometimes about Adam's stuff.


Remember....we're kindred spirits! My first car was a GTO, '65 Tri-Power!:burnout: Sorry if I offended anyone.:(

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I'd drink the DS before I'd drink the wine... :lolsmack:


"Bottle of Spray"


(You with your hands one over the other palms up with a Single Soft folded over your forearm)





Ok, done with Blasphomizing stuff.


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