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Wicked Weather

Flash Gordon

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So, like for the past two weeks, Memphis has been stuck in a crazy streak of wild weather. 6.6 million in utility damages alone. Today we've already had two major t'storms and 1 tornado. There are multiple t'storms/tornado watches that are going to be here on Tues/Wed


Have things always been this bad, and I just wasn't paying attention?


Thank you for your help in this matter,


Flash :glasses:

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holy crap.. time to move North..


we only had a lot of rain/flooding/thunder and lightening storms lately..


I thought you guys were still stuck in 8" of snow? I don't see how you do it up north. Wintertime is super depressing 4 me :(


Across the US we have all had bad weather!:(


Its very odd. I don't remember it ever being this consistantaly bad. I guess I just haven't been payin attention


Oh well, continue on :burnout:

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We've been having beautiful weather, but all around us has been horrible. I guess we've been lucky


Are weathers been hit and miss. When its been bad, its been bad. When its been good, its been awesome :drool:



I haven't had snow in at least a month.. lol


lol Sweeet :lancer:

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No, you're not wrong. The weather has become very unpredictable and more deadly. I think it all started about 2 years ago. Then that earthquake in China and now the one in Japan that knocked the earth off the axis a bit. That has to have something to do with it. This is a living planet, not just continents. We're all at it's mercy as much as we don't like it. Now everyone has this "theory" about 2012 being a catastrophic year.............could be right if it's a weather catastrophe. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what the weather will bring.

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No, you're not wrong. The weather has become very unpredictable and more deadly. I think it all started about 2 years ago. Then that earthquake in China and now the one in Japan that knocked the earth off the axis a bit. That has to have something to do with it. This is a living planet, not just continents. We're all at it's mercy as much as we don't like it. Now everyone has this "theory" about 2012 being a catastrophic year.............could be right if it's a weather catastrophe. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what the weather will bring.


Dude, I just heard today about that axis thing. It seems we are now missing about 10 seconds of daylight each day. That might not seem like much to some, but to me, I want all the Sunlight I can get :rockon:


I will personally gaurantee you the date of Dec 21 2012 will not be the end. If anything, God will move it up/back one day just to prove them wrong :glasses:


I think the weather here is worse then it normally is. :willy:


Me too :willy: we have round 18 moving in tonight, and more to follow :willy:

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60-92 mph winds are 5 miles away and heading in my direction


Did I mention I'm surrounded by 100 year old oak trees


Looks like another long night 4 me :willy:


Hang on! I'm in Jackson TN., so we get it in about an hour. I just hope we don't flood again, at least this year I have flood insurance.

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Hang on! I'm in Jackson TN., so we get it in about an hour. I just hope we don't flood again, at least this year I have flood insurance.


I got it to last May. Had about 1" cover the entire house


I still have no flood insurance


Get off the computer and get to shelter till it passes.


Can't do it. Helping others with their detailing needs is more important then my safety :patriot:


Its on top of us NOW :help:

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I work for a utility company and man i have seen the worst but its becoming more and more common to be on disaster alert. It's called natural cleansing. i dont belive 2012 theory 100% but seeing the destuction mother nature has been doing lately i dont think i have to worry about my truck payments for 4 more years. Live life honestly and awesomely and we'll see what happens.:grouphug::willy:

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