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Saab bows to the Chinese...


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Well it looks like Saab has gone to the Chinese too...


That now makes Volvo Chinese owned and Saab backed financially by a Chinese company. I believe Jaguar is East Indian owned.




Just a buyer beware... I don't get warm fuzzies from Saab right now. :(

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So what is the "shocker"? My Mustang transmission was built in China. Noone seems to care, look at Walmart. Noone cares until they lose "their" job, that is. Problem is, corporations are rewarded for the bottom line, even if at the expense of jobs and they blatently do this as the cities their headquarters are located in the USA, crumble around them into third world status. The "worker" is totally blamed for poor profit margins and bad management. The middle class has eroded away to nothing today, after being created originally by Henry Ford and the UAW. Alan Mullaley of Ford took home a $30,000,000 dollar bonus this year, without so much of a cent going back to the workers who have taken a 50% pay cut. He should be hung! And we wonder why this country is in such bad financial shape. I thought Saab was Swedish originally and then Ford had an interest for a while, or am I thinking of some other car company? I think the Chinese own Hummer now too don't they? They also were all the rage at the last Bejing or Sheshang or whatever car show in China. We actually had radio DJ's from WJR in Detroit there all excited about these Chinese cars. And sadly, the Chinese buy more GM cars than Americans. That my friends is the sad reality and pretty much sums up how stupid and selfish our corporations are.:mad:

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i have a feeling in less than 10 years china is going to literally own just about a percentage of everything in the world and when it finally gets outta the communism/cheap labor/industrial age with some technology, this world is gona be doomed.

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