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Oh my gosh....


I can do without television (cable) but not my internet!!!!


It's one thing to view while at work via tapatalk but to handle all the time on tapatalk with multiple sites, then email, etc....


It's a pain in the rear!!!!!!!


We don't get it until the 21st!!!!!! Someone was left to handle it and requested the cable/internet bet set up the day before we move. :(


I hate depending on folks....my OCD kicks in and I was proud for not bugging her about it.... LOL but sheesh....

I'm going through serious detox right now.


Miss you guys and gals.

I'll write more later.

I snuck on a PC at work for a quick second. Supposedly I'm doing my online banking right now but I had to say hi to my second family!


PS - I got to use the :pc:for the first time saturday and it's MUCH different than the one i borrowed from a friend. HOLY COW the difference in POWER! YUM


My truck looks amazing. Absolutely amazing. Too bad I can't upload pics!!!! :mad:

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I love tapatalk! It's quick and easy to check the forum. I use it on 5 forums. lol


Take pics with your phone and upload via tapatalk!


Hang in there... Just a little longer...


Sent from my iPad using special algorithms and data nodes.

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Ya I can do WiFi like at Starbucks but I hate coffee and its a pain to do that.


I like tapatalk for minimal stuff but to.view pics its eh so so.


I just did an 11 hour paint correction/wash on my TBSS for a Corvette show on the 14th.


I left my detail stuff with another member so he could do his for the show.


But I can't multi task on my cell like I can on laptop. Plus I have fingernails that makes typing a pain in the you know what. LMAO.


Hi Bill


Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk

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I might enlist some of your help when I am ready for using my PC. I have everything so far but if you've done some work on the TBSS paint etc. I will take some pointers. As i am typing the movers are packing things up. Loading tomorrow and they will be there Monday:)

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Oh my........word. I get internet Saturday afternoon!!!!


I can catch up on all my forums and get pics of my new place and puppy uploaded.


I'm very impatient. Ugh a month with no internet is horrible!!!


I do all my banking online but I won't do it on my cell. Not enough security.


Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk

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Imagine no internet from say Fri-Tuesday. Maybe a little usage @ someone's house but I couldn't wait till yesterday when the FIOS man was done!

Back up w/ all cable,internet,phone services now.

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