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The Flasher



Thought that would get your attention.


Can someone explain to me what the term flashing means in regards to applying FMP with a PC? My product went on like vaseline and stayed that way. I did not see the material change viscosity while I worked it in with the PC. What am I doing wrong? Per Adam, I used a "quick shot of the detail spray" followed by first an X then for each panel a quick shot of DS spray and three pea sized drops. Only thing I can think of is I didn't have enough product on the pad to begin with. :help:

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This detail stuff can be made into rocket science if one is not careful.



:banana::banana::banana::banana:DING DING DING, WE HAVE A WINNER :banana::banana::banana::banana:



That sums it up perfectly, it is an art form not a mathematical equation. Every situation can and will be just a little different. Same goes for technique. There are no absolutes, there are guidelines that should be followed but it takes a good eye and practice practice practice :2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs:

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Anyone care to comment on the Americana / BG / Americana layer thing? Does the BG reduce the longevity and durability of the Americana protection?


Due to the nature of the Glaze, it will reduce the longevity of the Americana vs. applying Americana without the BG.

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Wow, I never got to a milky state, so I guess I didn't use enough product. Still, the results were fantastic.


Anyone care to comment on the Americana / BG / Americana layer thing? Does the BG reduce the longevity and durability of the Americana protection?


The only time it milks out (it's very slight) is when you re-prime with DS and don't add more FMP or SHR.

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Wow, I never got to a milky state, so I guess I didn't use enough product. Still, the results were fantastic.


Anyone care to comment on the Americana / BG / Americana layer thing? Does the BG reduce the longevity and durability of the Americana protection?

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so am I safe to assume that the white/opaque I was getting was from the polish and not just the DS??


Correct, but spraying the pad or re-priming the pad with DS can cause the FMP to milk out again too.



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whats the best way to know that you still have a decent/enough amount of polish when you hit it with the ds? I know when I did the Edge, I wasnt sure if it was maybe the DS that was making the area opaque or if it was in fact enough polish..


I'm pretty sure I didn't use enough FMP in my detail. But, the results were pretty spectacular. I was following Junkman's method of the three pea size drops after an initial "X" FMP prime of the pad.


This detail stuff can be made into rocket science if one is not careful. Just go with your instincts and your eyes. I look for no swirls PERIOD, then move on to the next section.


I'm gonna try the new BG over my first coat of Americana this weekend followed by another coat of Americana this weekend. I'll do an in depth report on the results and hopefully it won't detract from the life of the wax. This has been my major issue with glazes followed by wax in the past...it looks incredible for about two weeks then the protection vanishes and swirl city emerges! My past experience was on a '77 Buick Century, Black, using Dupont's Fill N'Glaze followed by Simonize pure wax with no abrasives. This method was used on my new car that had been prepped/wheeled with rubbing compound at the dealer with flawless, swirl-free results. Temporary fix was the main issue though.:(

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whats the best way to know that you still have a decent/enough amount of polish when you hit it with the ds? I know when I did the Edge, I wasnt sure if it was maybe the DS that was making the area opaque or if it was in fact enough polish..


Experience! ;)

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whats the best way to know that you still have a decent/enough amount of polish when you hit it with the ds? I know when I did the Edge, I wasnt sure if it was maybe the DS that was making the area opaque or if it was in fact enough polish..

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Thanks Chris. I also was a little worried I was using too much DS, but my pad seemed fine, and cleaned up beautifully with the APC. In fact I was able to not use any more FMP product on the pad in some areas with just a shot of DS on the pad. The bottle of FMP should last me a long time. Thanks Adam for such a fine product!


The PC is definately is the way to go for a hard clear coat, boys and girls. I learned the hard way, trying to do my trunk lid by hand with SHR and Revive. I was surprised at how easy using the PC was to get the hang of and made the detail go relatively quickly.


This weekend I plan on applying BG to the entire car, followed by another coat of Americana. What applicator should I use for the BG application?;)

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That's enough product. If you watch it, it should change from slightly opaque to almost clear when you work it down. I seem to notice it more with SHR than with FMP.



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