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SanFran doesnt like american cars......


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Makes sense to me. If I lived there I'd be driving something easy to maneuver and park in those tight, twisty streets. I used to travel out there for business and would have to rent a car. I used to panic when the rental place would only have full size cars. Even a Toyota Camry was hard to get in and out of some of the parking garages.



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I can understand San Fransiscans only buying smaller cars because it is a Pain in the but to drive around there, but not buying American? that seems a little strange to me. I think it may have a little to do with demographics; the population is over 30% Asian descent.

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I think a lot if it has to do with the green movement, and San Fran is leading the way. I think American car companies get a bad rap for not being as Green as other car companies which is total BS.

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I almost ran over a pious driving dbag the last time I had to go to the city. I was on the bridge when 2 of them covered in "save mother earth" stickers decided to box me in and do 35 on the freeway.


I know not all Eco car driving people are like this but having had more than a few experiences with the crazy ones stains my view on the cars.

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I almost ran over a pious driving dbag the last time I had to go to the city. I was on the bridge when 2 of them covered in "save mother earth" stickers decided to box me in and do 35 on the freeway.


I know not all Eco car driving people are like this but having had more than a few experiences with the crazy ones stains my view on the cars.


Thats SF for you. So many Prius' in the bay area now it is sickening lol. My buddy got a license plate for his vette that reads "unhybrd"

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Ahh the prius driving tree hugging green movement whackjobs. They dont even realize that driving one prius is as damaging to the environment as driving around 4 tractor trailer tucks and an SUV. (due to the batteries and how they are produced)


Diehard prius/hybrid drivers (like the ones that boxed you in) make for great comic relief talk with the guys:jester:

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