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Winter Storage of products?



What is the coldest temp the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Adams</st1:place> products should be stored in? Should I bring the <st1:place w:st="on">Adams</st1:place> stuff into the house?

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Great Question! Chemicals HATE temperature change. It's as important to avoid storing chemicals in a hot garage as it is to store them in a freezing cold garage.


You will see chemicals separate, get watery, or clumpy after getting too hot or cold.


What is officially too hot, or too cold? Below 50 degrees, and above 90 are temps that can cause the emulsions, blends, and surfactants to change. Once that temp changes, the chemical will not work the same, it may not mix together, and most always the color will change.


Detail Spray - Dark Red

VRT - Clear, and watery

Buttery Wax - clumpy, like rotten milk


Etc etc etc.


Thanks for the question, and if possible, take all of your chemicals that you care about, and put them away for the winter if you live in a cold climate.


Adam :thumbsup:

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Just had my first winter product storage blunder!


Had a bottle of our Clear Spray in the garage, sitting on the floor. Check out how I found it yesterday morning::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

Clear Spray-Sickle.jpg

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Adam I am looking to add machine polish and wax to my inventory of products. Those products shipped during the winter still be ok or should I wait until spring? I live in the Omaha NE metro area.


John, if you don't plan to use the products soon, wait! I actually use those two products often in the winter, as they are our most durable protection.


They will be fine to ship, it's the storage in the garage that can make the bottles pop. Freezing/ thawing / freezing / thawing is BAD for chemicals.


Hope that answers it!:2thumbs:

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Just had my first winter product storage blunder!


Had a bottle of our Clear Spray in the garage, sitting on the floor. Check out how I found it yesterday morning::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:


Thanks for reminding me, I have a small travel kit in the trunk of the vette, it's doesn't usually get too cold in there but better safe than messy :cheers:

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