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Revive polish question



Hi, Just received my first shipment of ADAMS products . VERY EXCITING! I have a 2006 trailblazer SS BLACK factory paint. First i clayed the paint ,then i used revive polish. Man , that was like taking concrete off. I ended up using detail spray to loosen it up. It was still hard to remove. I then followed up with the glaze and then americana wax . I had the hardest time polishing up the products. All of these steps were done by hand. I had to stop after 2 panels and give my arms a brake. I am not looking forward to doing the rest of the truck at this pace. Anyone else have these issues? Truck was NOT in sunlight ,it is indoors.Not sure why or what next move should be. STEVE

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17 answers to this question

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Where you working in the sun? How many panels did you do at a time?:confused:


Somebody didnt finish reading the OP, lol, j/k

He says he was working indoors and did a total of two panels before taking a break...


I agree with the other posts that you probably did not fully work the polish to the flashing point, dont worry so much about pressure as revive isnt made to be treated as a compound, its simply a finishing/cleaning polish. You should use the SHR (orange) polish if you intend to be more aggressive, then follow it up with the revive.

The waxes are to be applied very differently, simply a "wipe on, wipe off" type of application. Just make sure you leave a very thin coat, let it haze or cure (depending on which wax your using) and remove it, simple as that.

Good luck and be patient, its not easy labor dont get me wrong, but it will get easier with practice. :2thumbs:

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Hi, Just received my first shipment of ADAMS products . VERY EXCITING! I have a 2006 trailblazer SS BLACK factory paint. First i clayed the paint ,then i used revive polish. Man , that was like taking concrete off. I ended up using detail spray to loosen it up. It was still hard to remove. I then followed up with the glaze and then americana wax . I had the hardest time polishing up the products. All of these steps were done by hand. I had to stop after 2 panels and give my arms a brake. I am not looking forward to doing the rest of the truck at this pace. Anyone else have these issues? Truck was NOT in sunlight ,it is indoors.Not sure why or what next move should be. STEVE


Steve, you need to stop by our shop one night and we'll go over your technique. I'll give you a personal demo!


We have a regular group of guys who stop in the shop for product help, Wallace is the latest member:



Email me: eric@thompsonracing.us

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am i the only one who was a dumb teenager once and let wax sit on paint for minutes at a time....then attempt to take it off using all the strength i could muster. hahaha, good times.


much like the video on here of the guy who cut a hole in the side of a wax bottle and applied it that way. haha

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Remember too, that these polishes DO NOT have to sit and "haze over" like some waxes do. Polish it on, and take it off... Just like Dylans video shows.



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Revive, being a hand product, isn't going to flash... unless you guys are doing some really crazy recreational drugs your arms simply aren't gonna move fast enough to cause it.


With revive you simply buff it into the paint until it thins out, then remove. It takes more product than machine polishing, but not a ton.


My guess is that with the OP's issues it was a case of WAY too much product per section and probably not thinning it out enough over the panel.


Take note of how much product I'm using in the video and how long I 'work' it... not very long on any of the steps.


<iframe width="853" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Y5JwT1tk8ZU?rel=0&hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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He bro it is all about technique. Listen to your friends here and it will get much easier. Adams products are very user friendly, get your own technique down and the rest will follow.


Be patient, the results will follow. We have all been there.:thumbsup:

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i was treating it like all the other waxes i had used in the past and never let it "flash". basically just work it in by hand until it becomes transparent then remove it with a MF towel.


if you just swipe it on and try and remove it, it will be all cakey and thick. just work it into the paint and it'll be a walk in the park


Correct, but it is a polish not a wax. The method of applying it is completely different. You work a polish until it flashes then wipe off the residue. For wax you apply a thin layer and wait for it to cure then remove the residue.


Doing one panel at a time try putting on the revive then a coat of brillant glaze on top of the revive. wait a couple of minutes till it hazes over and remove. And again a little DS to prime the pad and only 4 or 5 pea size drops of each product per panel.


No BG until the polishing process is complete.

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Doing one panel at a time try putting on the revive then a coat of brillant glaze on top of the revive. wait a couple of minutes till it hazes over and remove. And again a little DS to prime the pad and only 4 or 5 pea size drops of each product per panel.

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i think i know what happened. this happened to me the first time i applied SHR by hand. i was treating it like all the other waxes i had used in the past and never let it "flash". basically just work it in by hand until it becomes transparent then remove it with a MF towel.


if you just swipe it on and try and remove it, it will be all cakey and thick. just work it into the paint and it'll be a walk in the park

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I have applied revive outdoors with no problems on a black grand prix and blue lincoln ls with no issues. Spray detail spray on the pad before applying the revive. Dont forcefully apply the revive with all your strength. Use mild pressure and see what happens. and remember less is more you do not need to use alot of revive and look closely at your pad I bet its being clogged up from you using to much if thats the case dont apply more simply spray a little detail spray on it and try again. hope this helps and of course check out the videos for more help.

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Revive Polish should be easy to remove. You migh be using too much product and or Leaving it on too long. I've only applied It with a PC. Not sure how effective it is when applied by hand.

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