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Brilliant glaze or Buttery Wax?



I searched and cant find the answer I was looking for, In May I treated my black Silverado to - wash -clay -fmp-mss. And after doing some reading I would like to take next step. I'm thinking BG, or BW? If I go with the BG would the proper steps be -wash -bg-mss?


Thanks John


Hope everyone has a safe Labor Day!

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8 answers to this question

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BG and BW are 2 different things. So it depends on what you mean by taking it to the next level.


BG isn't a wax, so it won't offer much protection and will last as long until you wash again or it rains. But it is an amazing product it gives your car that WOW factor and really makes the paint pop! Easy on easy off. 1 of my favorite products by far.


BW is an easy on easy off wax I believe one of the first products Adam's had. I have never used it personally but if it comes from Adam's I'm sure you wont be disappointed.


Also, NOTHING goes under MSS always put waxes glazes etc on top of MSS after waiting 24 hrs for the MSS to cure.


My suggestion would be to get both products. Put a coat of BG on then a coat of BW. the BW will protect the BG and allow it to last much longer than the BG alone.

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I searched and cant find the answer I was looking for, In May I treated my black Silverado to - wash -clay -fmp-mss. And after doing some reading I would like to take next step. I'm thinking BG, or BW? If I go with the BG would the proper steps be -wash -bg-mss?


Thanks John


Hope everyone has a safe Labor Day!


BG is something I would do before my final wax.

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BG and BW are 2 different things. So it depends on what you mean by taking it to the next level.


BG isn't a wax, so it won't offer much protection and will last as long until you wash again or it rains. But it is an amazing product it gives your car that WOW factor and really makes the paint pop! Easy on easy off. 1 of my favorite products by far.


BW is an easy on easy off wax I believe one of the first products Adam's had. I have never used it personally but if it comes from Adam's I'm sure you wont be disappointed.


Also, NOTHING goes under MSS always put waxes glazes etc on top of MSS after waiting 24 hrs for the MSS to cure.


My suggestion would be to get both products. Put a coat of BG on then a coat of BW. the BW will protect the BG and allow it to last much longer than the BG alone.


Great reply.


Although I'll add that Brilliant Glaze, I've found, has very, very good longevity.


Nothing IMHO makes a vehicle "pop" like Adam's Brilliant Glaze.


I'm a huge fan!

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Thanks to all that replied, I'm ready to place an order and wanted to make sure I got the products I needed. So is this the correct order- wash-mss-bg-bw.


I believe I also put this in the wrong forum. Thanks again, you guys are great! John

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Thanks to all that replied, I'm ready to place an order and wanted to make sure I got the products I needed. So is this the correct order- wash-mss-bg-bw.


I believe I also put this in the wrong forum. Thanks again, you guys are great! John


You got it.

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