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Well...finally happened. My Charger took a hit last week. I was driving home from work and some young (around 22) girl rear ended me at a red light. We both pulled over I asked for her info she begins freaking out and crying begging me not to call her insurance. This goes on for about 10 minutes and after trying to be nice about it I finally said..look give me your insurance info already.


So she gives me an insurance card..it's expired 09..I ask for a current one she gives me one expired '10. I finally say..ah is this why you don't want me to file the insurance claim because you're uninsured? She swore she was. Anyways I take down all her info and she says ..why are u doing this, your car isn't even damaged.


Here I had to pause...now granted it appears her hood went more or less under my bumper but she cracked my bumper and has a good amount of paint transfer and scratches in it. And from afar it is tough to see..but she fails to realize I'm "one of those anal guys" and well just because she's satisfied driving around a 98 Corolla with endless dings and scratches on it doesn't mean I want my charger looking like crap.


So I filed the claim through her insurance Friday and finally heard from them yesterday to setup an estimate. I had that today and they wrote it up for 1100 bucks. Baahahahahaaaa..1100 bucks. Even that amazed me. But he said he found damage to the actual trunk underneath and then the obvious crack and scratches.


Sad part is this girl has failed to return any calls to her insurance company yet so they won't cut me a check until they get in touch with her. So I sit and wait..patiently for now. I can't wait for this girl to see the estimate and realize "you didnt even get any damage" really translates into 1100 bucks worth of fixing.


Granted..her car got whooped up on. Her hood is smushed in half way back and her front bumper is pushed into her radiator. I figure they'll total her car since its a 98 but the adjuster said her policy carries collision. If my bill is 1100 her is going to be 5k or more easy.


For no I drive my Charger banged up though..and it really bugs me each time I get in it.:willy:

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Just to be on the safe side I would have called the cops to file a report, you never know what the other guy/gal is going to think up and with the cop there writing it down it will save a lot of time later.


Glad your OK!!

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With the way they design cars now a days with plastic covers over everything its pretty common for something that doesn't look bad on the outside to be much worse once they get a look underneath.

Isn't that the truth!! :thumbsup:


My husband works at a dealership in the body shop and he always has to remind alot of the adjusters to get down on their hands and knees and look underneath. They always seem to miss something major.




Anyway...I am glad your body didn't have any damage. Your car can be fixed. :D

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Just to be on the safe side I would have called the cops to file a report, you never know what the other guy/gal is going to think up and with the cop there writing it down it will save a lot of time later.


Glad your OK!!


Yea hindsight now. Although I've always been told, no personal injuries just exchange info and move along..don't waste the cops time. But the way this one's panning out I'm pretty much going with calling the cops every time going forward.


Thanks everyone for the well wishes.


One other thing the adjuster mentioned they actually will repair the plastic on the bumper vs replace it entirely..even with it being cracked. That seemed odd to me.

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DON'T LET THEM REPAIR IT INSTEAD OF REPLACING IT! Absolutely do not. I have had enough experience with it to know that it never quite comes out right. Make sure they understand you will not be satisfied until you have an OEM (not OEM-style chinese knockoff) new bumper sitting on your car. Insurance is "supposed to" put your car back how it was. You didn't have a melted, uneven, patched up piece of plastic on your car before the accident, and I see no reason why you should have one after.

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Totally agree with having it replaced. I had my new car for 3 months and I got rear ended during highway traffic. I took the car to a dealer body shop (where her insurance suggested) and made sure they were replacing the bumper with a Subaru OEM bumper and that the paint would match perfectly (black with blue metallic flakes). She is the one that has inconvenienced you as their liability and they must put your car back to how it would have been if the whole thing didn't happen.

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Thanks for the advice. I'm going to call the adjuster Monday and make sure they account for this in the estimate. I still haven't heard from them yet which means they still haven't tracked down the girl to get her statement. :(

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