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Customer Service 866.965.0400

WOW I Havent Been This Mad In A LONG Time!!!


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of course its not with Adams or any of their products...i know that day will never come....here is the story...a little background...i had a 98 grand prix gtp that i had ziebart tint when i got it...i told them i wanted 35% on the front and 20% on the rear 3...i pick it up and all the windows look the same...i ask them and he said nope its 35% on the front its just cuz of the dark interior...so i leave and a few months later i get a ticket for window tint...what percentage was i at? 19%...so i bring it back and tell them i want 35% like i asked for and he said the only way they will fix it is to put on 50% so i said forget it and left...i was in high school at the time and i think they took advantage of that fact


i got my grand prix gxp tinted at another place local to me because i didnt want to go to ziebart...they did a good job but went out business...well we got the 2011 equinox that i posted pics of a while back...well i took it in to get tint done on the front 2 windows and an eyebrow added....i get in the car and start heading home and i finally realized what didnt feel right...the eye brow was lower on the drivers side then it was on the passengers side....i got home and measured it and it was 1/2'' lower on the drivers side...it was very obvious because even my wife noticed and it was the first thing my father in law said when he saw the car


now that isnt what made me mad...i understand people make mistakes and i knew they would fix it...this is what has set me off....as we are going home my wife looks at the glove compartment and center counsel and finds 3 scratches in them...one being in the middle counsel and 2 on the glove box....i wait to get home to call because my son was in the back seat and i didnt want him to hear any words that he shouldnt be...i get home and call them and all he can say is i dont know how we could have done that....i dont care if you dont know how it didnt happen because i went to put something in the glove box right before we got out and i know i would have noticed that


like everyone else on here i am very anal about my car...he says bring it back and we will fix the eyebrow and look at the scratches...i bring it back in and of course im not in the system for an appointment which makes me pretty mad that i will have to wait longer then usual...the manager walks out and sits in the drivers seat...he looks back and forth from the drivers side to the passengers side several times and finally says...you actually noticed that?....that kinda made me mad because yes i would notice something is off by 1/2''....he looks at the scratches and says their favorite line...i dont know how we could have done that and said they would try to fix it...i come back and the eyebrow is fixed and he said they couldnt fix the scratches so his boss would be calling me the next day to tell me what they would be doing


the next day comes and goes and i get no phone call...once again making me pretty mad...i have to call them the next day and the head guy said he never got the message....imagine that....i explain to him about the scratches and once again i hear i dont know how we could have done that....once again i dont care you did it so fix it...he said he would call his guy that fixes dashes and get an appointment set up for him to look at it....i was supposed to get a call back that coming monday....at 5 on monday i had no phone call and they close at 530 so i have to call them yet again...he answers and i said hi i was expecting a phone call today from you...his response was he was too swamped but would make a phone call right now...so he just magically became free when i called....everytime i have been in there they arent busy so i think that was a flat out lie....he said bring it in today and he will have his guy fix it


i brought it in and go to the mall across the parking lot and come back an hour later...they never called or anything but i dont see anyone working on my car....the manager comes out and says the guy didnt fix it because it wouldnt be worth it to fix....are you kidding me...a brand new car isnt worth it to be fixed....he says i dont know what you want me to do and i respond with it needs fixed one way or another and he said it would cost too much to replace the parts and in his 20 years he has never seen anything like that happen....so i asked him if he was calling me a liar and he said no im not saying that....ok i said you did it but you said there is no way so yes you are calling me a liar....he then offers me a full detail which i want to tell him to shove where the sun dont shine...i said well if you arent going to do anything about ill just call your corporate office and told him to get my keys


i left a message and am waiting for a phone call back now...it should be interesting to see what kind of treatment and solution they come up with...ill keep ya posted on what happens

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quite the write up there Derek, that sounds like some poor customer service and like they were trying to get you to forget about it. I would say on a brand new vehicle or a 20 year old vehicle, part of being professional is you break it you replace it or fix it

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quite the write up there Derek, that sounds like some poor customer service and like they were trying to get you to forget about it. I would say on a brand new vehicle or a 20 year old vehicle, part of being professional is you break it you replace it or fix it


yeah ive been writing everything down with names times and details so i dont miss any part when they call back...i would say this is the worst and most unprofessional customer service ive ever experienced

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This is what I hate about relying on people to work on my stuff...


We brought out Enclave into the local GM dealer for new struts, long story short, they stole a quarter out of the center tray... My wife actually uses it when she goes to Aldi's to get a cart, and she checked before driving it in, to see if it was there...


Who steals a quarter? Is your job worth a quarter? WTH? Now... The service manager DID call me and apologized profusely for it. We weren't mad that we lost the 25 cents of course. Just that someone was pilfering through our car when they should be fixing it. Needless to say, that'll be the last time they see me.


I definitely wouldn't bring your car back to them for anything...

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i wont be taking any of my cars back there and will also be telling others about my situation....the whole stealing a quarter thing is just unreal as well....they fixed the windshield free of cost...the scratches are the big thing right now...im also going to be looking to get reimbursed for my gas because of the hassle, poor service, and having to make 2 trips to deal with all this crap....its 5 now so i doubt i get a call back today...if i dont get one tomorrow i think i may unleash on the first person i get ahold of there the day after tomorrow...i work as an assistant manager at walmart so i deal with customers that are upset on a daily basis and do everything in my power to make them happy....example...had a customer bring in an ad from toys r us saying the guitar hero bundles were on sale for $7.99 or something close to that...on the bottom of the ad it had an * saying certain bundles werent included...the one she was trying to buy wasnt one they were including in their ad....the ad itself was confusing even to me as well as the customer so i said i would let her get one for $7.99 instead of the $79.99 they normally go for....the customer left extremely happy and i have a good feeling they will be back.

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This type of stuff goes on all the time, seems like any time you take your car to have something done to it you end up with some damage of some sort, then they just act like your too particular.:mad: And as far as the phone call , nobody ever calls when they say they will!:explode:

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This type of stuff goes on all the time, seems like any time you take your car to have something done to it you end up with some damage of some sort, then they just act like your too particular.:mad: And as far as the phone call , nobody ever calls when they say they will!:explode:


wouldnt the world be so much better if the level of Adams customer service was a requirement to operate a business

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Where I got my tint done I could watch the whole time and he was fast and professional, even asked If i wanted the car sprayed off or windows cleaned insted of just doing it. and the place i have any work done on my car is a local owner and a great guy who I trust which is great.


Derek assitant manager at Walmart? that has to be tough, have a friend with the same job

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Where I got my tint done I could watch the whole time and he was fast and professional, even asked If i wanted the car sprayed off or windows cleaned insted of just doing it. and the place i have any work done on my car is a local owner and a great guy who I trust which is great.


Derek assitant manager at Walmart? that has to be tough, have a friend with the same job


yeah they left one heck of a mess as well...it was pretty obvious they didnt put anything on the door panels or dash cuz you could see where the mixture they used to put the tint on had dripped and ran so i had to redo all that...windows were terrible.


yeah it is a tough job...unrealistic expectations is my biggest gripe but it pays the bills...im in the market for a new job since this one has netted me a blood pressure of 140/100 and put me on meds at 26

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when they tinted mine they did not leave a big mess, windows were clean but some did run down the doors and the back panel, but I am glas he didnt whipe it off with a paper towel or something!


Walmart will do that to ya lol, but paying the bills is a big thing it seems lol..I would love to make more money but dont think i could handle that stress level

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that sucks bro.. sorry to hear..


my Wife got me Tint on my '06 GP as a gift a few years back and it was at the local Ziebart.. they seemed a little pricey, but did a decent job.. when I had to have my car inspected (prior to having my Rx for tint) I had to take off the front, so I went to a shop in the town I lived in, and they took it off, I went to inspection, and they put new on the front two windows and GOUGED the glass..


the Tint on my G8 I went to a referral, hes done a lot of BMWs, Audis, MBs, etc, nothing but great words about him.. well he did it, and I found a slice in the tint on my back window, the rear passenger door wasnt trimmed properly, and theres a lot of bubbles/dust throughout.. and the trim on inside and outside of window is all hacked up WTF!

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when they tinted mine they did not leave a big mess, windows were clean but some did run down the doors and the back panel, but I am glas he didnt whipe it off with a paper towel or something!


Walmart will do that to ya lol, but paying the bills is a big thing it seems lol..I would love to make more money but dont think i could handle that stress level


is he an assistant or store manager?

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assistant, he wants to be a store manager for the money lol but he always has storys from work about bad things


yeah when i first started i wanted to reach the store manager position because the pay is really good but after being there for a few years i dont foresee that in my future anymore


Nick i went back and fixed my original post...i was typing with rage so spacing didnt enter my mind lol

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got a little update...i had a customer service lady call and i explained my story to her...she informed since they are a franchise that she cant do anything but would forward my info on to the district manager and i should be getting a call from him tomorrow....i guess we will see how it goes from there

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i know where your coming from... when i had the windows tinted in my wife's SRX they did the exact same thing.


i had to take it back in because there were several bubbles and waves in the tint, so i made them fix it. when i got it back the 2nd time, i noticed a tear in the leather arm rest on the passenger door panel. i was furious, but took it to the dealership we bought it, and they replaced the arm rest under warranty no questions asked.


if your car is still under the bumper-to-bumper warranty, it might be worth a shot to go see your salesperson or service dept you bought the car from to see if they can do the same. just tell them you were driving one day and noticed the scratches... remember only tell them as much as they need to know, no reason to tell them the whole story, so they also have an excuse not to fix it.

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if your car is still under the bumper-to-bumper warranty, it might be worth a shot to go see your salesperson or service dept you bought the car from to see if they can do the same. just tell them you were driving one day and noticed the scratches... remember only tell them as much as they need to know, no reason to tell them the whole story, so they also have an excuse not to fix it.


I mean no disrespect to you, but that's an immoral/unethical thing to do. It's no different than stealing IMO. :o



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