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New guy from Canada


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Hey guys. Have been a long time reader of the forum and have been using mothers and meguiars products on my 2005 F350 since I bought it 3 years ago. In those 3 years I have read alot about adams products but honestly thought they couldnt be much better then what I was using. Well 2 months ago I made my first adams purchase and recently I was waiting on 4 packages at one time:help: I am officially addicted and have since addicted one of my friends as well.


Question for you guys...how many of you get comments from people about your detailing obsession? I get made fun of by my family, the gf shakes her head at my adams collection and how long I spend cleaning my truck and says im anal about my truck(funny thing is she didnt complain when I spent half a day cleaning her car) and the nighbours make fun of me when im outside cleaning my truck all the time...

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Hey guys. Have been a long time reader of the forum and have been using mothers and meguiars products on my 2005 F350 since I bought it 3 years ago. In those 3 years I have read alot about adams products but honestly thought they couldnt be much better then what I was using. Well 2 months ago I made my first adams purchase and recently I was waiting on 4 packages at one time:help: I am officially addicted and have since addicted one of my friends as well.


Question for you guys...how many of you get comments from people about your detailing obsession? I get made fun of by my family, the gf shakes her head at my adams collection and how long I spend cleaning my truck and says im anal about my truck(funny thing is she didnt complain when I spent half a day cleaning her car) and the nighbours make fun of me when im outside cleaning my truck all the time...




And no your not alone. To answer all your questions, that sounds like must of us:) I usually get the..."at it again are ya Dave". and I reply "Yes sir, I am" when the neighbors ask. I'm pretty sure they all think I'm a freak, especially when I put on my hearing protection and use the blaster to get all the remaining water.


Welcome to the beginning of a fun experience..just be sure to set aside some money for food.


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First off man :welcomebanner:! but I get it all the time too, but the girlfriend doesnt understand at all, but i tell her she doesnt need to, its just gunna be this way haha ;) Family doesnt complain anymore after i went over all of our cars, I love when people make fun of me though, jokes on them and their dirty cars right? :D

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