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Customer Service 866.965.0400

2011 Nismo 370z


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This car is a 2011 370z. It has 6,xxx miles on it and the owner wanted it cleaned up and protected so he could care for it until it needs more correction and another coat of wax! I wash, clayed and made one pass with fmp to enhance the almost perfect finish! Topped that off with MSS/MSW and a coat of Americana paste wax and even after all this rain we have had, it was still shinning! My customer is now an Adams customer! He ordered 300+ dollars worth the supplies to keep his car perfect! Its nice to see that I could pass along the addiction to him. Ok on to pics and I am off to the Adams store to buy more stuff I "think" I need :lol:







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its a blast!


Oh and forgot to add.... when this car came to me I thought it was just plain ole white, boy was I wrong, after a wash and clay, I found a little pearl......thennnnnnnnnn, I hit it with FMP and bam, it was amazing. The Americana made the paint look so wet I actually think I got water on my camera while taking a picture! These pics don't do it justice at all!

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