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Another reason to get an iPhone


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Here's another plus for the iPhone and the iPad. The A5 processor that powers them is now being manufactured in the US, link. The final assembly of them is still overseas, but at least more than just the design is coming from the US now. Reports have it that the plant that opened in Austin created 1100 jobs at it. So it's a good start that hopefully we'll see more of.

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As popular as their products are theres no reason they 'have to' do that, but its nice to see they chose to.


Makes me feel much better about my recent upgrade to an iPhone 4S :D


Wait a minute, you joined the club? Excellent, you're the 2nd friend that switched from an android phone to an iPhone 4s recently. Drink the kool aid. :thumbsup:

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Amazing! Apple Actually Buys Something Made in America! - Forbes


I know that they are put together in China. The day the 4S was released I had a ton of them. Something like 80,000 nationwide (delivered) on day 1 if I remember correctly. Had one guy telling me how was tracking it all around the world...lol, from its departure in China.

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