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School advice?


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Hopefully someone has some input they can give into the subject...


Currently I'm majoring in healthcare administration with a minor in marketing. I plan on pursuing a masters degree when I'm done. I just don't know what would go with it very well...


Here's a list of suitable areas of study at my current school:


Public administration

Public policy


Business administration

Business administration/finance overlapped and combined.

Business administration/health administration - Longest program available...


Anyone working in this field or have any knowledge into it? I'd be much obliged for some good advice!

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I'm going to say it depends on what your goals are Matt. Do you want a Masters that is restrictive, and specific? or do you want something that's general and can be used towards any job? I don't know what you want to do, or what the educational requirements are for that job. In some cases you could be overqualified.

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I'm going to say it depends on what your goals are Matt. Do you want a Masters that is restrictive, and specific? or do you want something that's general and can be used towards any job? I don't know what you want to do, or what the educational requirements are for that job. In some cases you could be overqualified.


Well I've always been a hard worker, and the guy that takes his work home with him. That being said I would like to work somewhere in hospital operations... or the revenue cycle, I'm not positive yet. But I do know that I want to climb that corporate ladder as much as I can.


As far as restrictive/specific, I know I want to work in a hospital. I have a job in one now that I can work my way up in, I have a lead from the CFO for another healthcare system, and my uncle is high up in government communications and he claims he can get me a job working under the obama care bill.


As far as being overqualified, I have seen many posting that are right up my alley that say "Bachelor's degree required, master's preferred".

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As far as being overqualified, I have seen many posting that are right up my alley that say "Bachelor's degree required, master's preferred".


Well then your right on track then, if thats what the job requirements are. I would say whatever you go for, ensure that if you end up not liking that job, then you should able to use that education for something that you might like. Instead of going back to school again and starting over. There's nothing worse in life than having a job that you don't like. I've been there done that, and it sucks.

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Hopefully someone has some input they can give into the subject...


Currently I'm majoring in healthcare administration with a minor in marketing. I plan on pursuing a masters degree when I'm done. I just don't know what would go with it very well...


Here's a list of suitable areas of study at my current school:


Public administration

Public policy


Business administration

Business administration/finance overlapped and combined.

Business administration/health administration - Longest program available...


Anyone working in this field or have any knowledge into it? I'd be much obliged for some good advice!


My advice: Go to the best school you can get into, it will be on your rèsumè for the rest of your life.


I'm kind of partial to Finance since my masters is in Finance and International Management.

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While I was in graduate school I did an internship at one of the local hospitals. During my internship, I worked mostly with the CFO at this facility. He taught me alot about healthcare administration (operations and accounting). I would be guess your best course of action would be take the MBA/Finance type degree (because you are not limiting yourself to just healthcare). Another idea is to take a few classes out of the heath care administration as a free elective while taking your MBA.

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Well then your right on track then, if thats what the job requirements are. I would say whatever you go for, ensure that if you end up not liking that job, then you should able to use that education for something that you might like. Instead of going back to school again and starting over. There's nothing worse in life than having a job that you don't like. I've been there done that, and it sucks.


I do like working for a hospital. It's safe, it's a fun and relaxed atmosphere, and the dynamics of the industry are constantly changing. It keeps me on my toes!


My advice: Go to the best school you can get into, it will be on your rèsumè for the rest of your life.


I'm kind of partial to Finance since my masters is in Finance and International Management.


I am already at the best school I can get into lol. The next choice would be something that would be an hour+ commute, and I can't do that.


Matt, just thinking out loud here... Have you been to any local hospitals to talk anyone about a career? Going in and asking questions about a possible career may get you some important answers!


Yeah Brian, I actually work in one now. I've talked to some middle managers above my boss and since I'm in the revenue cycle now they are very partial to finance since it's where the money is.


While I was in graduate school I did an internship at one of the local hospitals. During my internship, I worked mostly with the CFO at this facility. He taught me alot about healthcare administration (operations and accounting). I would be guess your best course of action would be take the MBA/Finance type degree (because you are not limiting yourself to just healthcare). Another idea is to take a few classes out of the heath care administration as a free elective while taking your MBA.

Great info man, I appreciate it. I'm going to be looking them over again on my lunch hour today.

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