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Should I Polish First?



Well guys, I will be applying a decal to my hood scoop on the SS that looks like this (but black, not red)






My question is, should I correct the paint underneath where the decal will be laying, or just forget about wasting my time and product to correct the paint that won't even been seen? I know that I will need to clay and clean the surface with IPA before laying the decal, just wondered whether you guys think I should get the paint perfect before putting it down to prevent possible bubbling or anything...

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Nothing wrong doing it either way, just make sure to do like Chris says and do a thorough wipe down with alcohol before applying.


Yup, already know that. I have put on multiple emblems on the car and had to throughly wipe the area w/ IPA so it'll stick. So far non have fallen off ;)

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I would just due to the fact if you correct it after you will have to mask off the decal and polish around. it would be easier to just correct it now without worrying about the decal. Just my .02


Ahh, good answer - do the work when it is easier! :thumbsup:

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