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Best Central Home Vac?


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Alright guys Ive had about enough of my moms central vac unit, it doesnt have good suction power and I cant stand that when i'm out in the garage trying to do work. I was wondering what luck some of you guys have had with ones you went with. I have a shop vac, so dont need to recommend metro units cause I know about those and I need something to replace her underpowered unit for inside and in the garage. So give me some recommendations, ive done some research but its hard to get an unbiased review, let me know what youve been happy with and even more important probably what you havent liked about yours or ones you had. Wont be buying one for a few months probably so i have a while to research and hear some opinions, let me know! Thanks!

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Are you sure it's the vacuum and NOT the seals throughout the house that are bad? That's usually the problem with them.


Best Central Vacuum Brand - The Best Vac in The industry



I dont think its that but its been on my mind, my mom recently remodeled out entire first floor (walls ripped out and such) and he said they would check for me (family friend), Im hoping he didnt just say that and he didnt and there is something wrong. I checked all around the actual system in the garage the other day and couldnt feel leaks or anything. Ive hear this from a few people as well that leaks are a big problem with these, and seeing that the system in the rest of the walls of the house is 20 years old then it kinda makes sense it could have leaks. Funny you posted that website, ive been on there for a bit just reading, just wondering what other people have experienced as well. thanks man!


i just realized i have no idea what central vac is... i thought you were talking about vacuum cleaners


Hahah, its ok, actually when I was little i thought it was the coolest thing when we moved in because it was like just a tub coming from the wall. Think i called it the wall vacuum haha. Sometimes i dont see the advantage of it, yeah its cool to have but the hose just is so long and hard to place anywhere.

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Disconnect the line from the vac and check AT the source. That'll tell all!


Could be that the piping needs cleaned or heck, maybe someone sucked a sock up or something! ???

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Disconnect the line from the vac and check AT the source. That'll tell all!


Could be that the piping needs cleaned or heck, maybe someone sucked a sock up or something! ???


Good call! Ill have to do that when I go to see my mom this weekend, I was thinking maybe a sock or some insulation from when they were doing work on accident :eek::mad:. we'll have to see.

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DrainVac, awsome. When we moved into our house (a ranch), the main living floor hall outlet ran up and over the vaulted great room. I took the 50 foot run and made it 5 feet (to the basement outlet run) and replaced the failing head with a DrainVac.

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