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If you're thinking about suicide...


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Please for the LOVE OF ALL THINGS IN THIS WORLD, stop and talk to someone about it. A third party... Anyone... Just don't do what can't be undone.


We lost a member of our admin team on a motorcycle forum I also admin on, and man it hurts... He was the father to two great kids and was a HECK of a nice guy...


He made some bad decisions in his life and I guess he couldn't live with them anymore.


Remember we all have a place in this world... It's not as bad as you may think... Get the help you need BEFORE you do what can't be undone.


Such a sad sad day...


R.I.P. Warren Marks (aka Skidz)

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Well said. I lost a friend last year when he got so buried in some business issues that he couldn't see his way out. All he would have needed to do was ask for help and any of his friends would have stepped in to help him. Very, very sad situation, and his poor wife and teenage sons were left in the wreckage.


Sorry to hear about your friend, Chris.

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Suicide is a call for help. If you even contemplate the thought then I think you should seek some sort of help-whether it be talking to a counselor, clergyman, friend or family. Someone is always there to listen and offer advice.


I know of 2 suicides in the past year. A son, then his father who couldn't cope with his son's death. It was so sad and the whole family was hurt from it because they hadn't recognized any of the signs.


I have never thought about suicide before. It might be that I always look at the brighter side of things.:thumbsup:

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Yeah a good friend of mine who I went to EMT class was killed in the line of duty as a police officer in maryland a couple of years ago. I worked for her father and he couldnt get over her death it just ate him alive. Finally one day he left work and got into a confrontation with someone in a road rage incident he was a very peaceful person so it was very out of character for him. He sought help and then checked himself out and parked in the garage and let the car run and past away. It kills me to this day he did it but what can you do?

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My wife's brother took his life when he was 38. It nearly killed her parents and to this day, her dad wonders what he could have done to prevent it. Yeah, you may end your own life, but the misery you cause others is worse.

She was never sad about it, just angry at him for doing it. To this day, she hasn't forgiven him.

It's the most selfish act a person can do.

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Agreed Rich! Unfortunately they aren't in a solid frame of mind and I don't believe they do it thinking that.



Sent from the past using special algorithms and data nodes!

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My wife's brother took his life when he was 38. It nearly killed her parents and to this day, her dad wonders what he could have done to prevent it. Yeah, you may end your own life, but the misery you cause others is worse.

She was never sad about it, just angry at him for doing it. To this day, she hasn't forgiven him.

It's the most selfish act a person can do.


That's very true, and very sad. I feel for Darlene and her family -- I can't imagine having to live with that.

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