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First Detail For Someone


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My friend owns a black Lexus and I noticed how bad his swirls were. I asked him if he didn't mind if I tried to correct his paint. Here is my first detail using a Portal Cable and the normal suite if Adams products. I would love feedback on my results. I spent about 8 hours on the detail, is that a lot or normal? My hand is killing me :) I found it very difficult to get it 100% correct. My friend loves the results so that makes me happy.


























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I agree with these guys, 8 hours is about right especially for a vehicle that looks like it has had the finish as abused as this one. You had a great turn around, the car looks great. You may have had better luck removing more of the swirls if you had some Severe Swirl & Haze Remover to apply. However, I'm surprised your hand is bothering you. You may have been applying more pressure then necessary. I have arthritis and normally don't have any pain after detailing unless I'm doing a bunch of steps by hand. I would suggest using a bit less pressure when applying and removing. All Adam's products work fine using just little pressure. Anyway, good job for your first time, you did great!

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Wow thanks for all the compliments members! I didn't think I would be able to squeeze in this much work in one weekend, but a little bit each day from Friday-Sunday was enough.


There were times when if felt like I would NEVER get done. All I kept thinking was "OMG I have so much more car to do. OMG I'm only on pass 1 of 3." :)

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Hello all, I am new here. I am the friend whose car "Forza" worked on. I decided to register to the forum after Paul sent me the link of the post. He did an amazing job. I am going to post more pictures tonite of my car.

Thank you Paul, You are a talented person. Who says IT guys are only good with computers :)

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