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Petition to put term limits on congress members


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Being devil's advocate, don't ignore the downsides that term limits would create:


Loss of institutional memory. How good would you expect your favorite NFL Team to play if it had all new players -- each thinking he's a hotshot -- try to mesh every two seasons? And imagine if they were going up against a long practiced and disciplined team from China or Russia.


Wildly costly pensions. Every member of congress gets a juicy pension and medical plan. Figure on quadrupling or more the budget for that.


Forcing out the good guys. Imagine if your favorite company got rid of everyone every two years. Bye bye Dylan and Ashley. And whoever comes in to replace them isn't going to worry about busting their butts for the customers, 'cause they know it's just a temp job.


Loss of state secrets. You'd never be able to trust a new class of congress to keep quiet. All out national secrets would come out, and our adversaries would use them to their advantage. Think cyber weaknesses, power grids, military capabilities, etc.


More corruption. Again, these guys won't be accountable long term. They'll just grab money, pork and influence for their buddies while the cookie jar is open, and then they'll be gone.


Who's to say the new guys would be any better? More garbage out, more garbage in. And the new garbage wouldn't have the burden of being accountable or thinking long-term.


Chaotic policy. Think tax planning and hiring decisions are tough now? Wait until the new radicals swing congress and policy 180 degrees every few years. This year no funding for national parks and highways, next year huge taxes. This year no health care for anyone, next year it's on on the government. Don't get sick during the term of a cheap Congress.


Elections will become a joke. People will be electing everyone from Oprah to Brittany Spears to the homeless guy down the street. Speaker of the House: Honey Boo-Boo?


So, while the current lot isn't a bunch to be proud of, it could be a lot worse. Exercise the power you already have: vote.



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We could remove the pensions.


I'm ok with letting go of some good to make sure we get rid of the bad.


We don't have to have it be 2 years. How about 1x 8year term? or 2x 6 year terms. I'm not saying short terms. I'm just saying no one should be making policies today that was making policies in the 60s. This is a different world. It's a PITA to see congressmen that are 70 years old making bills about MY internet. Something they barely know anything about.

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We could remove the pensions.


I'm ok with letting go of some good to make sure we get rid of the bad.


We don't have to have it be 2 years. How about 1x 8year term? or 2x 6 year terms. I'm not saying short terms. I'm just saying no one should be making policies today that was making policies in the 60s. This is a different world. It's a PITA to see congressmen that are 70 years old making bills about MY internet. Something they barely know anything about.


Of course the flip side of that is that with age comes wisdom and perspective. My 70 year old father would make much more informed decisions than the 18 year old kid next door.

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Oh boy here we go! Politics has now migrated to every site I've been on. Good thing Congress votes for their own things. Good luck with this!


You like that congress votes about things they know nothing about, about corporate interests, about lobbyist agendas, and even constantly giving themselves raises?

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Who will stop the douchebaggery...a petition? Good premise but its all for nothing. I enjoy coming on here and getting ideas to improve on my "somewhat crappy" detailing skills. Seeing political stuff just ruins it for me. I need to invent a political pop up/spam blocker. Any site that has posting are blocked out. Good luck!

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Who will stop the douchebaggery...a petition? Good premise but its all for nothing. I enjoy coming on here and getting ideas to improve on my "somewhat crappy" detailing skills. Seeing political stuff just ruins it for me. I need to invent a political pop up/spam blocker. Any site that has posting are blocked out. Good luck!


I agree... I probably should have just nipped this from the start, but I let myself get drawn in too. Laguna, nothing personal of course; I'm going to close this in the interests of forum harmony and forum rules. :2thumbs::patriot:

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