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Car Cover over Brilliant Glaze



Lyn gave me a car cover for Christmas. It is designed for indoor protection which is what I will use it for ( use to use sheets to defend against dust in garage to reduce amount of washes needed on Black Vette). Noticed instructions state do not cover a wet vehicle. Here is the situation.......


Wahed Vette starting around 2 pm. After washed decided to put on Brilliant Glaze followed by wax. Put on Brilliant Glaze but felt not enough time left to wax ( it is dark around 5 p m). Put Vette in garage and placed new cover thereon (first time used). Instructions state cover is designed to avoid moisture damage to vehicle.....beathable to allow escape of evaporating moisture and heat. But then says to not cover a wet vehicle. I do not consider vehicle to be wet, however, there is no doubt there is some residual moisture from the wash. Will this plus the application of Brilliant Glaze immediately prior to placing the cover be likely to cause a problem??


Its terrible to be OCD about this....afterall it is just a car !!?? :willy:


edit...The temperature at washing and glazing was around 48 degrees.

Vette is in garage. Tonight temp will drop to 40 degrees. Tomorrow will be 55 degrees.

Edited by xlr8rvette
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I did this with the black Vette, and I do it with the white vert now too. My wife took two queen size fleece/microfiber flat sheets and sewed them together end to end (nice and soft). I cover the Vette with it in the summer in the garage, but I also place it between the heavier winter cover and the car when I store it. I never put the regular cover on the car without the sheets in between. That way I don't worry about the scratches. It sure saved my black one and now it's saving the white one too (although any scratches shouldn't be as noticable). It's a cheap little extra protection.

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And where would one get such sheets, Rich. I don't usually use a cover because of the scratches, but when I did cover it I had a blanket some towels and whatever else soft that I put on first, such a pain. But I like the idea of the two sheets,:rockon: I might even use the cover more often.


Thanks :cheers:


Shine On



Oh Yeah, what do you do with the sides?

Edited by Bluezey
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