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Fonzie upset at Adams Polishing pads


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I went into the laundry room to grab my polishing pads that I had in there drying and my 5th month year old french bulldog (name fonzie) decided he didnt like the pads being there and wanted them to move. haha.


Edited by scott5
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Haha. My GF wants a French Bulldog so bad. She falls in love with everyone she sees.



Its hard not to. I actually bought this for my gf but we broke up and I kept him through the seperation. Here is when he was 10weeks old I think


here is a pic of him now



They def arent the type of dog to leave out and let him roam. But he is extremely funny.

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He is fine with my 3 year old. When my son was first born he thought he was a squeaker toy. He got used to him quick. Now he plays a little keep away with my son. I have a daughter due in about 3 weeks so he will be fine. He loves the food that they throw on the floor. Of course they have their bulldog issues.



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He is fine with my 3 year old. When my son was first born he thought he was a squeaker toy. He got used to him quick. Now he plays a little keep away with my son. I have a daughter due in about 3 weeks so he will be fine. He loves the food that they throw on the floor. Of course they have their bulldog issues.



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Hmmm, maybe an option for me. How are they to maintain....sounds harsh, haha. Meaning, is it like having another child. I know if I look at them for my son, I'll be doing all the work. They are cool looking dogs though.

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He is like a kid the first couple of years. Now he sleeps a lot and I let him out in the back yard 4-5 times a day maybe more and walks once a week. Feed him twice a day and always a full bowl of water. When he drinks he drinks a lot. Food cost me about $18 a month. They are expensive though. Since we bought one they have really grown in popularity so I don't know how much they are. Oh he also sheds pretty good.



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Did you leave some polish in the pads? Maybe hhe really liked the scent and wanted to taste it.


The products smell so good i bet there's more than a hand full that have wanted to try it.:jester:

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I paid 1500 for fonzie and another 500~ shipping him and all his shots and such.


So far he is like a kid. Frenchies do have there issues, like breathing and they are knowin for farting and Eating things, but he is also a great buddy. Fonz likes to cuddle and go on walks and he is startin to sleep more and more. I finally domt have to have him in his crate all day. He is very smart and LOVES people. Fonzie is starting to shed alot too. One thing people always say is how quiet he is. He rarely ever barks. Only when he doesnt like something or when your playing with a toy ans you take it from him but he knows where it is. He doesnt bark at people or other animals. He is only 5months so im sure i still got some learning to do with him but so far i wouldnt trade him for anything.


And x2 on the food amd drink

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Did you leave some polish in the pads? Maybe hhe really liked the scent and wanted to taste it.


The products smell so good i bet there's more than a hand full that have wanted to try it.:jester:


Idk what it is, but he keeps going in amd barks then i go get him and he is quiet lol.

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