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USAF SSGT Dies in Motorcylce Accident


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Luke AFB airman killed in motorcycle crash - CBS 5 - KPHO


Sad to here this. I spent 4 months in Al Udeid last year with him.

2 Airman that I've worked with in 2 years have died in motorcycle accidents.

April 3rd 2011 I lost a close friend to a motorcylce accident.


For all the riders out their be safe.


Everyone on 4 wheels keep your youqr eyes open for motorcylces.

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My thoughts and prayers to the families.


That's one thing I look out most when I ride. Other motorists not paying attention. I always think other people don't see me and it's prevented me from getting into an accident a couple times.

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R.I.P. SSGT Dennison, and prayers for his family and friends.

As a rider I hear way too many of these stories. Though the article didn't give much detail, I can almost guarantee the driver that hit him said "I didn't see him." My Dad got me into riding, and he's always told me act like they're all out to get you. And it often seems as if they are...

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So sorry to hear this -- my condolences.


It's unfortunate, but riding is really becoming too dangerous for day-to-day transportation -- there is just too much traffic, too much distracted driving, and too many roads in poor condition. I pray everyone out there on two wheels rides safe.

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Very sad to hear. Over my 23+ year career, I have seem many active duty men and women killed in motorcycle accidents.


I recently learned a very close friend of mine died in a freak skiing accident. He was only a young 1st Lt starting his career. He was posthumously promoted to Captain.


My hear goes out to you Andrew...I know what you are going through.

SSgt Dennison...may you rest in peace.

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