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Customer Service 866.965.0400

A broom to scrub your vehicle with?!?!?!?!?!?


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My room mate has this crew of detailers working on his truck right now at the house.  When I heard that he made an appointment with them I told him I would do it for free, I do have all the necessary tools to do the job and all I would charge him would be Gatorade.  Anyways I see these dudes pull out thier supplies and in the pile there are 3 push brooms, yes push brooms.  Yikes!  They soaped up his truck and started scrubbing.  I could not believe what I was seeing, part of me wanted to tell them to stop but I was rendered speechless.  Oh I hope I do not have nightmares from this

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I hope he does let me work on his truck after this.  I just got back from the store and they hit me up if I wanted my car washed, I chuckled as I declined the offer.  This is another company just in it for the money instead of quality care and results  :(

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Hahaha... Some of the wash brushes like they use for semi-trucks look like push brooms.

And I see them used at work every day they clean the wheels with the same brush they use on the test of the truck and trailer
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Thats how the clean the cars at work.  I remember when I got the thing and it was brand new.  No swirls, nothing.  Went on vacation and come back and the whole right side was covered in tree limb scratches.  I knew it was going to happen.  I cringe when I brush up against a tree, other obviously don't.  Poke a hole in the roof with a tree limb and it is an accident. 

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