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Got egged over the weekend.



I got up Saturday morning getting ready to head out to an event and found that both my wife's Mini Countryman and my Hot Wheels Camaro had been egged during the night.   :angry:   


Needless to say (but I'm saying it anyway), I was NOT happy.  But my son did a quick Adam's Forum search while I broke out my products and we got to work...


I used APC on the (now largely dry) eggs and agitated the goo with my boar's hair brush.  It wasn't my favorite choice, but it wasn't coming off with just hard water spray and APC.  It seemed like there was at least a half-dozen eggs on the two cars (that were parked nose to tail along the curb).  It was obviously a "drive-by" situation.  We're between two High Schools and a College is right down the road, so it's anyone's guess who the culprits were.


After the APC and the boar's hair seemed to get the visible stuff, I used the foam gun (4 pumps and some WW added in) and coated the cars.  Then my wife and I 2-bucket washed both cars.  We finished with Detail Spray drying.  


I was super late to my event, and my son needed one of the cars to get to his horn lesson, so I didn't take the time to metro-vac blow-dry the cars.


.....and, of course about 5 minutes after I finished cleaning up my stuff, it started to rain... HARD....


Overall I think it worked well, and I'm convinced that my regular use of Adam's products put the cars in a good position to be resistant to the corrosive effects of the eggs.


I'm going to need to re-seal and wax both cars due to all of the APC we used on them.


Thanks to the community for posting threads in the past about eggings and THANKS to Adam's for the fantastic products.

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I don't know how one person could do that to anothers property - hopefully no permanant damage was done.  You're very lucky it happened at night and you caught it early in the day:  had the hot sun been on them for a few hours, this would be a story about two cars getting resprayed.  Out of curiosity, what LSP(s) were on your cars when they got hit?

Edited by Baron_Von_Awesome
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I'm surprised you could even put a thread together after this happened!  I would be far too angry to even make a sentence!


Any hard etching or did you catch it soon enough?

Well.... It happened on Saturday morning, and I didn't post until Monday night, so I had some time to decompress...


I think we caught it soon enough.  There is one spot on the driver door of the Mini Cooper that looks like some shell embedded itself into the clear-coat, but after the foaming (I actually forgot that I foamed & rinsed and then foamed again) and washing, it looked pretty good.


As for LSP, both cars had been treated with Quick Sealant.  I also always Detail Spray every time I try the car, and I think that helped.

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Man that's infuriating. If you can take anything positive out of it, it sounds like you and your son had some good bonding time solving the issue.

Most of the work was my wife and me while he was getting ready to leave for his lesson.  I was doing the last bits of drying as he was pulling out of the driveway.  


My wife said "it's our fault for leaving them on the street overnight."  But I got a bit tight and told her I wasn't about to get into "victim blaming."  It's the fault of the sorry excuses for humans that did the deed.  If a car full of guys jumps out and thumps someone who was walking down the street, we shouldn't say "well, he shouldn't have been walking alone".  Or, if a woman has a few too many drinks and someone takes advantage of her, they shouldn't say "well, she shouldn't have been drinking... it's her fault for getting drunk."  NOPE.  It the asshat's fault.


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My wife said "it's our fault for leaving them on the street overnight."  But I got a bit tight and told her I wasn't about to get into "victim blaming."  It's the fault of the sorry excuses for humans that did the deed.  If a car full of guys jumps out and thumps someone who was walking down the street, we shouldn't say "well, he shouldn't have been walking alone".  Or, if a woman has a few too many drinks and someone takes advantage of her, they shouldn't say "well, she shouldn't have been drinking... it's her fault for getting drunk."  NOPE.  It the asshat's fault.


If only the rest of society felt that way. 

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