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16oz Empty Bottles. What did I miss?

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I've had issues logging onto the Adam's forums for about a year. I don't know what happened, but it's working again. Glad to be back. I've missed ya'll!


Anyway, a few of my 16oz sprayer bottles are getting cracks in the bottom and I need replacements. Lo and behold, they aren't on the website anymore. After searching the forums, I see they are waiting on a replacement perhaps? There doesn't appear to be much forum activity on them since August. What did I miss....besides a lot?

I see the 4oz and 36oz are being discontinued, but didn't read any definite on the 16oz.


I'm dyin' here! I had a couple of empties left over, but it's getting confusing with APC in an old DS bottle, Interior Cleaner in an old WW bottle.

To get any new 16oz bottle, do I have to buy a pre-filled one? I have gallon refills up to my nose and running out of ways to empty them.




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Get ahold of Ashley and she may send you out some new bottles.  They had some issues with some of the bottles a time ago.  


I'm not sure why the bottles aren't up there actually.  


If all else fails, call customer service.   

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Thanks. Don't know what was up with the forums, but it wouldn't let me log in consistently and wouldn't let me post at all. Dylan reset my password for me, but I was still having issues. After a couple of 'resets' and no fix over several months, I gave up. I probably haven't tried to log in at least 6 months.

The cracked bottles made it check it out again and now it works. I don't know what changed, but I'm glad it did. All my gallery pictures are gone, but there weren't many. S'all good.

Edited by AudiOx
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